--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "lurkernomore20002000" <steve.sun...@...> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> >
> > I'll bet what happened is that he didn't realize that 
> > his name spelled two different ways (including 
> > capitalized and not-capitalized letters) show up on 
> > the Post count and that he therefore didn't include 
> > the totals for him from the different listings...and 
> > thought he was okay.
> I'm pretty sure Alex has pointed that out to him on a 
> couple of occasions. *FLASH* He just sent me an e-mail 
> saying that he has a lot going on in personal life, 
> and that he wasn't paying close enough attention. 
> Said he was sorry that he over posted. So that was 
> nice of him to address the issue.

I am tempted to suggest a special exemption to the
FFL Posting Limits. Once every six months -- but
*only* once -- any FFL poster is allowed to write 
to the Moderators and request a Get Out Of Jail 
Free Card.

This enables the cardholder to special "I've got 
a lot going on in my life right now and I really
*need* to rant" privileges. During the week-long
period covered by the Get Out Of Jail Free Card,
the requestor hath the right to post as much as
he or she pleaseth for that whole week. Ranteth 
thou to high heaven.

I would even volunteer to keep track of those 
requesting and receiving such exceptions, so that 
no extra work would fall on the already-stooped 
shoulders of our Moderators. I would do this out 
of a sense of selfless service, and out of sheer
curiosity as to who might apply. The only thing 
I'd ask in return is that this exception abide 
by a set of rules such as the following:

* A Get Out Of Jail Free Card can only be requested
in advance. No one can go over the normal posting
limit and then ask for one retroactively.

* Use it or lose it. If you don't take advantage 
of your Get Out Of Jail Free week during the first
six-month period, you don't get two weeks during
the next six-month period. 

* A Get Out Of Jail Free Card can only be requested
early on in any "I've got a lot going on in my life
right now and I really *need* to rant" period. That 
is, the requestor needs to realize their need to rant 
before, say, the 30th post of the week, not at the 
49th. My theory is that this rule will encourage 
greater awareness of one's current mindstate.

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