--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcgurk@> wrote:
> >
> > You're to be commended, Barry, for minimizing your well-
> > established trait of name-dropping.  
> And you're to be pitied for still running on 
> the J-OS operating system after all these years
> of meditating.

I have no idea what "J-OS" means, try as I might to figure it out.

> Jealous of me for having seen 
> levitation,

Actually, I feel sad for you because:

1) You didn't see levitation but were hypnotized into seeing it by your cult 
master or saw a David Blaine type "trick" (see youtube for how they do it);

2) After seeing levitation once, it must be quite boring.

3) In your post-cult-leader addled state, you still pathetically cling to a 
silly happenstance of non-reality.

4) Like the cult members of the TMO which you constantly rail against, you are 
hung up on levitation.

> jealous of me for having stumbled
> into having Robert Crumb as a next-door neighbor
> and a friend,

Ah, yes.

This one I will cop to. I think it would be wonderful to meet and know Robert 
Crumb whom I think is a fascinating individual.

> jealous of pretty much everyone
> for having actually done the things you only
> sat on your fat ass and wished for or read about.

I am jealous of Bill Gates, yes.  But that's silly of me to think that I could 
have achieved what he did.

Oh, and I'm not dead YET, Barry, so for the things in life I still aspire to, 
there is still time.

> Time's a wastin', dude. If you actually want to
> do something yourself before you die, you've
> got to shit or get off the pot.

Wise words coming from someone who writes tomes and tomes on this forum and 
others against a woman he has had an ongoing hate-fest dialogue for 12 years.

How much time during the day must that take?  And what dreams of YOUR'S does 
that take away from (unless, of course, arguing and hating Judy IS your life's 
dream, which is not outside the realm of possibility).

> Continue on this
> way and when you reach the age of another J-OS
> user on this forum you'll be just like her.

Barry, you're WAY too sensitive to have had such a negative reaction to my 
rather innoculous yet honest post about your name-dropping.

Oh, and one more thing: if you are truly the cosmopolitain man-about-Europe 
that you make yourself out to be?  When you move back to France think about 
shedding the cloth of the arrogant American that you are and actually learn 
French why don't you instead of spending 10 years there, as you did, without 
learning the language.  Certainly, you have freedom of speech and don't have to 
speak the language of the majority but restricting your associations and 
conversations with fellow ex-pats and accomodating Europeans that, out of pity, 
will speak English with unilinguals such as yourself is neither cosmopolitain 
or urbane.

You're just an ugly American with a wallet.

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