On Sep 29, 2009, at 4:07 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
ShempMcGurk wrote:
The stupid schmuck has signed a petition in support of child rapist Roman Polanski:


As a rock musician in the 60's I can tell you that under age girls were
always a problem.  They would make themselves look older.

Yeah such a rough life Bhair.  The problem
with your example is that the girl told RP,
apparently several times, what her age was.
And told him no several times as well.
It's pretty much as much of a clear-cut case
of rape as you can get--even Polanski admits that.

 One had to
gingerly tell them they couldn't come home with us without hurting their

Tenderness and sensitivity being real hallmarks
of 60s-era rockers, of course.

 It was a real pain in the ass.  The cops were always trying
to bust us for under age chicks. Little did they know I had friends in
high places who alerted us about that surveillance.

And of course you guys were the
only ones who knew this "inside" info.

I had one major
rock star of the period leave us with two runaways when he visited our
house.  :-(

I was often very happy that a parent would accompany their child when
they took music lessons from me in the 1980s. It was well known that if
a kid didn't like the lessons they might say the teacher hit on them
when they didn't.  And sometimes the mom would decide they wanted to
sign up for lessons too. ;-)

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