--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
>   File        : /Vedic "Science"/KnowStructOSX.pdf 
>   Uploaded by : vajradhatu108 <vajradh...@...> 
>   Description : The famous "knowledge is structured in
> consciousness" mis-translation of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
> from the Rig Veda.

Note that what Vaj posted in this file is neither
(a) what he claimed in his recent post was MMY's
translation (he said it came from "MIU documents"),
nor (b) the translation MMY was using at least
since 1985.

It's closer to the latter, but there are still many

Here's the translation from Vaj's file:

"Richa is situated in Akshara: knowledge is structured
in consciousness, the nonchanging transcendental basis
of all relative existence, in which reside the impulses
of creative intelligence responsible for the whole
manifest universe.

"He whose awareness is not open to this level of reality,
what can these eternal expressions of knowledge accomplish
for him? He whose awareness is open to it--the field of
pure consciousness, the home of all knowledge--is
profoundly established in it."

And here's the translation MMY has been using at least
since 1985 (that's the earliest citation I can find, but
he may have been using it well before that):

"The verses of the Ved exist in the collapse of fullness
(the Kshara of 'A') in the transcendental field, in
which reside all the devas, the impulses of creative
intelligence, the laws of nature responsible for the
whole manifest universe.

"He whose awareness is not open to this field, what can
the verses accomplish for him? Those who know this level
of reality are established in evenness, wholeness of life."

 The verse actually means "seated in
> the highest heaven", not "structured in consciousness"
> as often claimed by TM-bots.

It's not "claimed" by anybody who is familiar with
the translation I quoted, because "structured in
consciousness" isn't in it.

Vaj doesn't mean to say "the verse," BTW; he's
referring to a phrase in the verse, "parame

Note that "parame vyoman" is translated as "the
nonchanging transcendental basis of all relative
existence" in Vaj's file, and more simply as "the
transcendental field" in the translation I quoted.
In neither version is it translated as "structured
in consciousness."

Where Vaj got the "seated in the highest heaven"
translation is unclear, but it doesn't seem to be
on the Web in any translations, TM or non-, of this
verse. But it's not too difficult to see how 
someone doing a "poetic" translation might use the
phrase "the highest heaven" for a Sanskrit term
for which someone else striving for a more precise
and technical translation would use "transcendental
field." To claim one or the other is a
"mistranslation" is foolish, to say the least (sort
of like interpreting Genesis based on a literal
reading of the King James translation).

Vaj's confusion here is so convoluted it would take
forever to straighten out, so I'm not going to try.

> From the original 1974/75 MIU Catalogue page XI 

If you Google any of the distinctive phrases in the
translation I quoted, you'll get many hits citing it
and attributing it to Maharishi, including at least
three times on the MUM Web site. Here's one instance:


I couldn't find on the Web any of the distinctive
phrases in the translation in Vaj's file. Obviously
if MMY translated it that way at one time, he
subsequently revised it (probably after he developed
his Apaurusheya Bhashya ideas). The one I quoted is
the only translation I've ever seen used in the TM

Oh, this is interesting. Here's Aurobindo's

"The Rishi Dirghatamas speaks of the Riks, the 
Mantras of the Veda, as existing 'in a supreme
ether, imperishable and immutable in which all
the gods are seated,' and he adds 'one who knows
not That what shall he do with the Rik?'"

Which seems closer to "supreme ether, 
imperishable and immutable": "highest heaven"
or "transcendental field"? 

If Vaj had a genuine point to make, he'd do well to
take another crack at it when he's able to think
clearly, because what he's posted up to this point is

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