Bhairitu wrote:
> With single payer health care you wouldn't 
> be paying for anything that needed to be 
> deducted.  Get a brain.
You're not even making any sense, Barry.

With your 'single-payer' system for health 
care, there would be an automatic tax deduction
from my paycheck. The government would pay 
for all my medical care using this deduction.

In your system, I'd be paying for your health
care, the health care of illegal aliens, and
paying for the health care of everyone who
smokes, drinks, and uses drugs and doesn't 
have a job. 

So, I'd be paying a tax for your girlfriend to 
get an abortion, and I'd be paying for the 
health care of all illegal aliens. 

The tax could be a high as $1000 a month from 
my paycheck. It would be automatic, there's no 
choice - I'd have to wait for years to see a 
government doctor. There would be a death 
panel to decide if I should get the health 
care I need in order to stay alive. 

Your system would be based on a Ponzi scheme, 
where all the young people pay into the system, 
in order to pay for the health care of the 
elderly. But, in your system there would be a
limit on how many children a family can have.
So, at some point there would be more old 
people than young people. 

But I'm the one that needs to get a brain?

So, yes, I'm scared, Barry. Scared of the riot 
that's going to come to overthrow a corrupt 
socialist government like the one you want to 
impose against everyone's will.

My health care system is based on improving 
the economy, so that everyone is employed and
making good money, so they can pay for their 
own health care. Get the federal government 
out of the health care business. With the 
extra income, people could not only afford
to pay for their own health care, they could
donate money to charity to help other people.

I know this is very difficult for a socialist 
like yourself to understand, but if you would 
get a brain, and think about it, and maybe get 
some smarts, it's really dirt simple: get a 
job, Barry, and start paying your own way. 

Take responsibility for your own health. If 
you need help with your health care, go to 
your church or to a Free Clinic.

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