Robert... there is no name of God on our currency. *God* is a generic term. It 
refers to whoever / whatever each individual believes  fills that status.

From: Robert <>
Sent: Monday, October 5, 2009 11:55:47 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] 'No God on the Money!' (1984 "Double-Speak?")//\\\

Jesus said, not to put...

The Name of God The Father...

On the Money...

This is more of a Euro~Roman Tradition...

Putting the Name of God on the money is:
Totally and completely against the:

The 'Law of Moses'....
"I Am a Jealous God'...
'Thou Shalt Not Have any God's before Me!...

Now, we need to someone transform the whole idea of;
Money as 'Not God'...
The whole damn evil 'God-Less' system...!

Hey, all the money has traces of 'Coca' on it, anyway...

So, there ya' go...

Money is not God!'

But, 'She's Alright, She's Alright, She's Alright....


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