thanks Rishi,  (my reply to a friend)
i already saw one of his other videos etc and already send him my letter
to Obama;
but the video you sent is even better, excellent, just what America

you should email him and encourage him to continue speaking truths

here's my letter to him :

Good for you Alan ! This is exactly what I and many have been praying
for, someone with courage to speak the truth. It amazes me how most
politicians and the media try to treat lies and truth on an equal
footing. That's nonsense, that's not being objective, that's
being delusional, that's living in a brutal world of fear,
ignorance, darkness.

My hope is that other Democrats and especially President Obama follow
suit and eventually most Americans will also become brave and be able to
distinguish between truth/love/compassion and lies/fear/selfishness.

Fear is the opposite of Love.

Word of Caution: If the President signs a bill without a strong Public
Option, that will be disaster for the nation, for the democrats and for

Perhaps now, is the time to strike and speak the whole truth: that the
only way to fix our sick health care system is to get the Greedy
Insurance Co out of the ball game completely, at least as far as
providing Basic Care for Everyone. Obviously, they are not interested in
that at all. Let's go for a universal "Medicare for All" to
provide basic care for every American. Then let private insurance
companies cater to the wealthy, and stay away from exploiting the poor.

Here is my letter to President Obama:

Dear President Obama,

I strongly believe that it is better, much better, to stand for truth
rather than compromise with untruths. Here is my $.02 POV on truth about
America's health care or lack of it.

While I strongly support your efforts to improve our Health Care, I am
deeply concerned that:

1) the opposition is all based on greed, lies, and fears financially
promoted by the insurance companies.

2) too many Senators( especially Max Baucaus  ) and Representatives are
representing the special interests and their own greed instead of the

How to make a Real Health Care system work:

1) my own POV is that the only reasonable honest workable approach is to
have "Medicare for All" with improved regulations to make it financially
sound and with a very strong PREVENTION PROGRAM included. PREVENTION is
the key that would make everyone healthier which in turn would make the
MEDICARE FOR ALL a real HEALTH CARE approach instead of simply "disease

2) I strongly oppose mandatory insurance and point out that we are the
only industrial nation in the world that lacks the compassion and good
common sense to have a universal health care system that provides better
health at lower costs. Their key is healthier citizens,  while Americans
are 80% overweight, 30% obese, 50% heart disease, 30% cancer, diabetes,
allergies, arthritis, etc etc, all of which can be greatly reduced with
appropriate dietary changes based on science like the worldwide research

3) Only healthier happier citizens can transform a sick health care
system into a real health creation system.

Thanks for listening and God Guide America to selflessness, better
health, happiness, and real prosperity!

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