In a message dated 7/14/05 4:38:14 A.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Rove's gonna walk.  Nothing bad will happen to him
except possibly being forced to resign and phone in
his puppeteering of George W. Bush instead of being
able to do it from within the White House.  Done
deal.  From where I sit, and the history of the
Bush administration and America's ball-less reaction
to it for the last few years, there is no other
possible scenario.  They can't *allow* any other

I'd like to see the guy take a fall, too.  I'd like
to be surprised by America actually doing the right
thing for a change.  In the biz, we call it hope in
a time of hopelessness.  But whether "justice is done"
doesn't really affect "me" any more than whether it
isn't.  I'm not really attached to America, or to
any idealized image of it.  It is what it is, a
crying shame, and a real and present danger to the
continued existence of the planet.  I don't see this
changing overnight, just because a lot of people *do*
identify with the fictional version of America, and
would like to believe it's not fiction.

They might even give Rove a medal.  And America would
stand for it.  Or, more accurately, sit for it, in
front of their televisions.  And watch the fictional
versions of the American Dreams instead of coming to
grips with the reality of the American Nightmare.

I'd like to be proved wrong.  But I honestly don't
think it's gonna happen.  IMO it'll take actual star-
vation in the streets to get Americans off their asses
at this point.


Years ago I realized that one of the reasons for gambling, playing the lottery , was bad for you was because of the slightly raised hopes that you might win when you bought your ticket were quickly dashed by the let down of realizing that you lost later. Hopes raised, then dashed. Up then down. Can't be good for your overall Psychology. I see the same thing here. Not with just this one post but so many others. I see people getting their hopes up that they are "finally" going to nail either Bush or another republican to the wall only to have their hopes dashed again. It must be very frustrating, creating even more anger, hate and hostility. Years ago I saw a therapist about a similar issue and each time he saw me he emphasized my need to be able to "let go". Telling me to repeatedly squeeze a ball and let go. It's the letting go that feels so good. The same key to Transcending. Just let go! The anger and hostility only makes that person look ridicules to others. Not good in the field of politics. The shrillness I constantly see , hear and read coming from the left in their anger to resist the out come of two elections is many times hysterically funny and yet sometimes pathetic and it is this, that drives the undecided voter to the other side, in many cases , IMO of course.

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