By the way, because I know it will push all of
Shemp's jealousy buttons and make him crazy that
I've met interesting people in my life and he
hasn't :-), I'll mention that Rachel in slide
#5 in this presentation is based on my best 
friend Laurel. Like me, she lived next door to
Robert Crumb for several years, and in fact did
the graphical layout for a few of his books. 
She didn't know until today that he'd put her
in the book.

So far I haven't found myself in the book at all,
slthough I have found several of the people we
knew in Sauve. But you can be sure that if I do
I'll let you know, just to watch Shemp's head 
explode in a fit of apoplexy.  :-)

--- In, TurquoiseB <no_re...@...> wrote:
> I'm still reading the book, and don't want to 
> comment on it until I've finished, but Robert
> comments on a few of the illustrations here:

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