------ Original Message ------ 
Received: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 09:59:19 PM CDT 
From: "Purusha Communications" <purushac...@purusha.org> 
To: "Purusha Communications" <purushac...@purusha.org> 
Subject: Jim Keersemaker 

Our dear Purusha brother Jim Keersemaker passed away yesterday from a fall
he took while hiking at the Gajoli Ashram. We have no details to offer. His
family in St. Louis was informed this morning, and they wish that his
remains be cremated and the ashes spread in India. They sent the following
message to Purusha: 
"We deeply appreciate the life Jim had, and the unity of his group. And the
light that he gave to all. And we know he was very happy. That he was in the
place he loved the most, doing what he wanted to do." 
Once we receive an address in St. Louis, flowers will be sent on behalf of
Purusha to Jim's family. 
Individual condolences can be sent to Jim's mother and brothers via Jim's
brother Mark at: mkee...@hotmail.com. 
Jai Guru Dev 
Purusha Administration

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