"In his presser, Harry Reid said very little about what kind of an "opt-out" 
he'll put in the final bill.

The good news: Pressure on Reid from progressives when his poll numbers are 
flagging made him defy the White House. More importantly, he ratted them out to 
the press. Rahm thought he could continue to push for triggers in the 
background and satisfy the base by mouthing gibberish about "the President 
supports a public option" until it was too late.   It didn't work out so well.

The bad news:  Having a state opt-out that will make corporatist Democrats 
happy is quite likely not to be "available nationwide from day one," and thus 
does not meet the the definition of a "robust public option" by anyone's terms.

Depending on how an opt-out was written, it could potentially disenfranchise 
large parts of the population:"

Read more:
by Jane Hamsher

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