> > Read my lips, Barry - there's no 'opt out'
> > in a universal, single-payer, national health 
> > care system. 
> >
Bhairitu wrote
> I'm sure sometime next month the premium 
> (extortion) bill will arrive in the mail.
Maybe so, but for how long? 

"Someone has to cover the cost of that MRI 
machine. If the public option does manage to 
crowd out other insurance–as it might well do, 
with the ability to dictate price controls–then 
suddenly, the public option won't be cheap any 

Hello, fiscal crisis.

That's the financial problem. Here's the 
political problem: if you insert a strong public 
option, the providers will revolt..."

Read more:

'The Parlous Public Option'
Posted by Megan McArdle
Atlantic, October 27, 2009

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