--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride" 
<bill.hicks.all.a.r...@...> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 6:37 AM, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> The more I go over these 20 points, the more I watch Rick's interview,
> the more I realize that I am hurtling into this state.  There is a lot
> of stress flying off which at times clouds some of the experience of
> these 20 points, but there can be no mistake.  I am at this state
> except for some final purification.  And yes, as Raunch emphasized,
> silence.  There's always silence.  Things like joy, being motivated by
> what's needed by now instead of by what's perceived as deficits,
> enjoying everything around me, these things have come in the past
> year.  They've come so fast that  I sometimes wonder where they came
> from.  Looks like some major stress was clouding the sun and that
> stress went away.
> I believe Rick said that enlightenment is when you're the only one at
> your graduation.  There wasn't a commencement, but it was gradual.
> I don't consider the state I'm in/solidifying to be enlightenment, but
> it's very, very nice.
> I've been less and less involved with the TMO.  Less concerned about
> what seems to me to be increasingly bizarre announcements and actions.
>  I need them not.
> Maharishi said that when we got the sidhis we were then
> self-sufficient.  Well, that's how I feel.  I feel that I don't need a
> movement, I don't need to watch tapes, I don't need a guru.
> Everything is unfolding within me and around me.  All spontaneously,
> all naturally.   I am my own teacher, I am my own guide.  The
> teaching, the guiding are just there.
> I worked so very hard to get to this state and now I see what a waste
> all that work was.  You don't go anywhere.  You just become more of
> yourself.  There's no satisfaction that you've finally accomplished
> what you set out to do.  There's just joy.  The joy always was and
> always will be in the eternal now.
> So this is what it's like.

Beautiful experience, Bill. Don't pay attention to that old spoil sport, Barry. 
He can't stand it if someone is happy. It creeps him out. What a Grinch. I 
remember "Maharishi Said" (paraphrasing) there is no path, the concept of a 
path is for the ignorant. Since the range or creative intelligence is from here 
to here, there's nowhere to go. You're already "here" so just BE. 

The 20 points may offer sign posts along the "path" but when you arrive so 
naturally, and so effortlessly to a familiar place that feels like home, you 
realize you haven't been anywhere at all. You have always been home, you are 
the Home, you are the Silence.

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