On Oct 30, 2009, at 12:07 PM, do.rflex wrote:

I hate to agree with anything Judy Stein says, Vaj, but she's right that when you get cornered with your bullshit claims your logical train of thought goes out the window and you write responses that are disconnected from what is specifically being discussed - as is more than clear in what you just wrote below.

Judy's full of it. I don't expect that to change. When she has nothing constructive to counter, she often lies. It's just her nature.

Actually you're the one who jumped the conversation to "Guru Dev", not me. So if you think I'm feeling "cornered", you're sadly mistaken. For clarity's sake, here's what I did originally said:

"Part of the schtick of Holy Shank types is they always argue for the superiority of advaita Vedanta."

Note that there is no mention of SBS. Perhaps you're right and he didn't think that advaita vedanta was superior like Shankara did. Then I guess he wouldn't be one of the "Holy Shank types" I was referring to now would he? And of course, maybe MMY got his ideas on his own, not from SBS.

Guru Dev did NOT argue for the superiority of Advaita Vedanta. That is abundantly clear in his available discourses and material that has been compiled over the decades.

So he did not uphold the tradition of Shankara. I never realized that. That's very interesting, if true, based on the very limited public teachings we have.

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