On Oct 31, 2009, at 5:29 PM, Premanand wrote:

The quote I offered very definitely came from Maharishi on 8th July 1971. You can a copy of << 19710708_Amherst_2_MMY_on_GuruDev >> at:-
The quote appears between 00:21:00 and 00:22:30

I had no doubt to the veracity of your attribution, I was just pointing out these are obviously two different quotations from two very different sources. While I'd like to imagine they're verification of a pattern, we may very soon have to accept that Sw. Prakashanand-- as another "fallen" marketeer from Guru Dev's line (he built his Philly sangha on ex-MMY discontent)--is not truly objective enough to be able to be quotable in the caliber of biography you've been able to produce on MMY.

Unfortunately, if convicted (and perhaps even if NOT convicted) Prakashanand would be hard to accept as a legitimate source, but just another SBS involvee, begging for wealth and the spotlight and his dead guru's name for his calling card...

Happy Halloween! Off to a party! (dressed as Satan, Lord of Darkness, complete with Shaivite pitchfork!)

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