TurquoiseB wrote:
> It took until today to download it; ABC is
> actively blocking the torrents and has 
> removed it from any watch-online sites such 
> as SurfTheChannel.com. 
> Color me disappointed. The oldest SciFi plot
> in the world, redone with mediocrity at all
> levels. The most amusing thing about watch-
> ing it was laughing at the idiots who see it
> as part of some kind of conspiracy theory.
> A modern reworking of the old phrase "Those
> who do not learn from history are doomed to
> repeat it" might be "Those who do not learn
> from old SciFi plots are doomed to reveal 
> their own paranoia and SciFi illiteracy." :-)

I think it will be entertaining but we'll see how the arc goes over the 
episodes.  It IS very funny to watch conspiracy allegations... from both 
the right and left. :-D

Given that most Hollywood writers, due to concerns about free speech, 
are left leaning the series is written more that way: anti-fascism or 
anti-authoritarianism.  The execs may keep hands off except for some 
stupid ideas they want to push.  Warner is definitely left leaning so 
you have the righties screaming the series is selling the New World 
Order but I can't see that unless they were watching while standing on 
their heads.

Regarding another ABC series: FastForward, the producers announced that 
they were going to answer everything in this series except for the cause 
of the blackout.  But the episodes seem to be revealing that anyway and 
still following the premise in the book.  They could do that and still 
run 5 seasons.  Seems that neo-Haglinites may have caused it.  Oh, 
that's it!  It was the pundits! ;-)

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