
Now, in the first randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a mind-body intervention 
for the treatment of psychological distress and associated high blood pressure, 
the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program has shown a high degree of 
effectiveness with the results being published in the American Journal of 
The study involved 298 university students who were randomly selected to enter 
the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program or simply be placed on a waiting 
list (the control group). Before the TM program commenced and after 3 months 
all participants were assessed for psychological distress, coping ability, and 
blood pressure (BP).
The results were impressive. Statistically significant improvements were found 
in total psychological distress, anxiety, depression, anger/hostility, and 
coping ability in the students who were enrolled in the TM program. These 
changes correlated with decreases in BP readings; psychological stress being a 
significant known risk factor for elevated BP. In contrast, the BP of the 
control group of students increased slightly.


Lower Blood Pressure
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