"To commemorate Saturday's infamous rollback of women's
reproductive health introduced by Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Gilead) and
included in the health care reform bill by a floor vote permitted under
the Rule developed by Democratic leadership, Duncan Black (Atrios)
proposed <http://www.eschatonblog.com/2009/11/let-it-be-so.html>  a new
definition for the term Stupak:

Stupak (n) – The sepsis commonly experienced after unsafe back alley

Today, Urban Dictionary has posted
<http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stupak>  this

2. Stupak: A medical condition (subset of sepsis) resulting from unsafe
– unnecessarily so – back alley abortions as a result of the
"Stupak Amendment" to the 2009 Health Care Reform Bill.

Doctor: Unfortunately, while this would have been covered under private
insurance carriers, public plans were barred from including women's
health measures. I'm sorry, you'll have to see "Dr.
Julio" in the alley behind 7-11.

(Three weeks later.)

Doctor: I believe you've developed Stupak, a form of sepsis, a
severe illness in which the bloodstream is overwhelmed by bacteria.

Head on over to Urban Dictionary to vote for definition #2
<http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=stupak> .  Bart Stupak
is about to be Santorum'd
mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a> , and he won't know what
hit him."
Related posts:

    1. Stupak Amendment Debate Begins
    2. Stupak Threatens to Block Health Care over Abortion; Planned
Parenthood, NARAL Take a Nap
    3. Shadegg (R) To Vote Present On Stupak Amendment
    4. Stupak Amendment, Redux: Recorded Vote Live Blog
    5. House Health Care Vote Scheduled for Saturday


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