This one gets sent around the community too on the subject of spiritism 
affliction.  Seems more directly the transcendental perspective.


Of  Negative Energy, in Method
Un-edited without attribution or permission

Love is a form of insight. If someone says something to you and they have some 
observation about you, you can watch yourself thinking, I don't know whether I 
want to take that in. If the person doesn't do it perfectly, if they don't say 
it exactly the way your mind wants to hear it, you just reject it. You can't 
pull the kernel of truth out of a stone. The purpose of insight meditation is 
to get that kernel of truth to come out of the stone, and to particularly get 
it out of people who have no skillful means, that is, they're abrupt and they 
don't know how to do it nicely, they're not poised, they don't have good 
delivery. The purpose of insight meditation is to see the truth coming from 
people who you perceive as enemies or that are ruthless in some way. The 
purpose of insight meditation is to turn your enemies into friends. It means 
that you have to have insight into how their enmity can be friendly to you. 
They can teach you about yourself.

The result of that, ideally, is that you don't insulate yourself and always 
surround yourself with supporters. You are courageous enough to be in the 
presence of people who are not of skillful means, doing the right thing at the 
right moment, and you're able to pull truth even out of that stone. That makes 
it possible to pull love out of anything, out of a dead branch. That is the 
nature of insight meditation. There are a lot of situations in life in which 
love is not so easily seen. 

There are people who, for whatever reason, make themselves into your enemy, who 
throw stuff at you that is really hurtful, and not even stuff that's 
unconscious but rakshasic, demonic stuff. Those rakshasas, those demons, those 
bad guys are there to help you practice. That's their job, that's what they do. 
The way they help you practice is that you see them for what they are. You 
realize that if there's negative energy coming your way from another person 
which is not allowing you to experience the field of love between you and them, 
it is not only them doing that but there is an entity doing that, a negative 
force that is blocking the love. It doesn't want the love to be there, it's 
invested in that, it's employed by the devil, if you want to call it that, the 
dark side, the shadow. When you recognize that something is getting in the way 
between you loving another person, it is one of those or a cluster or aggregate 
of those.
In both the Hindu and the Buddhist tradition the idea is to shoot them in the 
foot, to cut through, to completely annihilate their power, to debilitate them, 
to get them out of your life. How do you get rid of those demonic beings that 
are breaking up the love, that are destroying the love between you and your 
family, your relations, your lover? This is another important point about 
insight meditation. It teaches you that they exist, that it's not your 
imagination, and what to do with them. What do you do with them? When you see 
that another person is emanating a powerful negative energy and they may not 
even know it, then you have a job to do. As a spiritual person you're on call. 
Your job is to shoot this thing, get rid of it, take it out, annihilate it, 
blast it, explode it. How do you do that? When you have an enemy of this 
rakshasic nature, which it isn't always, sometimes it's at a personality 
structure level, but if it is, if that's what's coming at you, you have to get 
rid of it. If its job is to create fear, it will generate more fear. If its job 
is to create anger, it will generate more anger. That's what rakshasas do. 
That's their job. According to a lot of scriptures, they don't have a choice, 
they're slaves, essentially, of the dark side, they are made to do that, they 
don't have free will. Basically they are there to fight you into sadness, into 
fear, into anger, into jealousy, but ultimately they are there to cause you to 
break from practice. They're sadhana breakers. They're there to stop you from 
practicing, from doing what you know is the best thing for your evolution. 
How do you stop them from stopping you? From a transcendent point of view, the 
way that you stop rakshasas is that you get deeper into the transcendent that 
they are sourced from. If they're here and they have a pipeline into the 
transcendent and it's this far down and that's where they're getting their 
rakshasa juice from, you go down lower. You have to go underneath them to get 
at them. It's like what Maharishi said, you can't solve a problem on the level 
of the problem. You have to go underneath where they're sourced. However, their 
job is to keep you from doing that. They don't want you to get underneath them 
because they know that when you do that their jig is up. They will do 
everything they can to stop you from getting far enough down to get at their 
root. You have to use your special transcendent magic potion to get underneath 

That special transcendent magic potion can only be magic if you have mastery of 
the transcendent itself. You can't kill rakshasas by completely spontaneous 
transcendence. They know better than that. You can only kill rakshasas through 
concentrative transcendence. This flies in the face of what we know as a 
non-concentrative practice. It makes sense because concentrative transcendence 
means that you can endure the transcendent, you can hold to it, you can cleave 
to it, you can maintain it, consciously, not spontaneously. This is the next 
step, in my opinion, in the transcendent process. The next step is to increase 
the concentrative dhyan value, which comes from the level of the mind. You have 
to be able to corral the transcendent and hold yourself there. You cannot allow 
escape. Usually when we practice TM we're always allowing escape. As you go 
down and you come back out we're taught to just let it be natural. That's good, 
but that's why Karunamai said it's baby meditation. At a certain point in the 
process you are asked to have mastery of the transcendent, which means you have 
to learn how to stay put in the transcendent. It's not a forced staying put, 
it's an observing staying put. You're in the transcendent and you observe 
yourself coming out of it and you fall back into it, a million times over, and 
then that's what keeps you held in the transcendent. 

If you can't do that, you can't get down to the level that goes underneath 
rakshasa land. Rakshasas are excellent at holding their attention. They've been 
well trained from the other side. Ravana and all the demons did practice. If 
you're going to get down there and root them out you've got to be able to stay 
put in the transcendent, and that means holding your attention there. When 
you're down there and holding your attention there, you are asked to have 
insight into what would pull you out. That means you've got to go back to the 
insight level. I want to pull out because I'm scared, I want to pull out 
because I'm angry, I want to pull out because I'm hungry, I want to pull out 
because I just don't want to be in the transcendent, whatever the reason is. 
You've got to go deeply into the knowledge of why you want to get out and stay 
there whether you want to or you don't.

This sadhana is essential to healing. Transcendental healing requires that 
sadhana be performed. You cannot do it any other way that I've ever seen. What 
strengthens the power, whether it's self-healing or you're going to do it for 
others, is that you can get down into the transcendent, you can hang out there, 
you can call on different levels of the transcendent, you can stay put, you can 
go up, you can go down, and you can stay at a level and hold that. When you can 
do that successfully you're also gaining insight into yourself. You're seeing 
what it is that you're holding to and then you can see what the rakshasas are 
doing, what it wants from you, what its agenda is, what it was sent to do. 

Then you can kill it. It's the only way you can kill it. I don't believe you 
can just get rid of them by sending love. I know that's a popular belief, but 
that's not it. You have to kill them. This is not about love, this is about 
killing. Love is nice, it has its place, but now we're not talking love, we're 
talking war. If you're really in a battle with one it will not go away with 
love. Love will not kill them, love will just keep them going. You have to kill 
them. That's why there are wars. There have been wars for thousands of years 
and there will probably be wars for thousands of more years. There are wars in 
other galaxies, there are wars in other dimensions, there are wars in other 
universes. If there were no need for war there would be no war. It's taken me a 
long time to accept this because I did not believe that you had to kill them, 
but you cannot kill them with love because they do not live on love. If they 
get dissolved a little bit with love temporarily, they'll come right back. 
They'll go invisible, underground. You can't root them out that way. This is 
Kali, this is war, this is serious business. That's why Kali is there. The 
whole Chandi Path is about killing demons. When I first heard it I thought it 
was weird and I didn't like it. Why was she chopping everybody's heads off? 
Then I finally got it. When you get into the war zone with rakshasas there is 
only one way to get rid of them and that is they have to be killed.

How do you kill them? First you have to understand that they exist. That sounds 
so obvious but for me it wasn't. I grew up in the 60s with the utopian 
universal light thing and I didn't believe that evil existed. Well, I was 
wrong. The first thing you have to do is admit that they exist and that's a big 
thing to admit, that there is evil. There is a force of evil, not just that 
people do malicious things. There is a force of evil and it wants to do evil 
things. That's the first thing you've got to get. There's a force of love and 
there's a force of evil. You have to admit that. 

Then you have to understand that in order to kill rakshasas there are mechanics 
involved. As a human spiritual warrior your job is to figure out what those 
mechanics are. They will reveal themselves to you when you ask for them. You 
have to have a desire to be a spiritual warrior. Something in you has to well 
up and say I want this sadhana. This is where love comes in. The desire to kill 
evil comes from love. When you see evil, when you see that rakshasic influence 
in a loved one or in a situation or a global situation, the desire to change 
that comes from love. Love informs that desire, it makes it real. It's like a 
mother with a child, you're protecting your friend or your parent or your 
situation. The protective mechanism of love informs the desire to kill the 

Evil is very insidious. It's not necessarily overt. Evil is often disguised in 
cordiality and friendship. You have to be able to discern where evil is. Once 
you see that evil is, it's love, it's true compassion that causes you to be 
able to kill something. You have to have that love behind it, love gives you 
the desire to kill it, but it isn't love that kills it. The killing has to come 
from a deep-seated realization that killing is okay. As a girl, this is not 
easy. When you're a little boy you get that conditioning. You go out with your 
BB gun and shoot at a rabbit and you get off on the rabbit being dead. When 
you're a little girl you're told don't do things like that. I used to collect 
tadpoles and if one of them would die I would be crying like I'd lost Lassie. 
As a girl, getting this is very challenging because of our conditioning. 

But whether you're a girl or a boy, getting in there to deal with rakshasas is 
not easy. To get in there deep enough all the things we've been talking about 
have to come into play. You have to have the discipline of being able to hold 
the transcendent, you have to have the depth of insight to see how the rakshasa 
is feeding your fears, judgments, anger, sadness. You have to recognize how 
it's using you. Then and only then, when those two things are in play, the 
power of the transcendent and the power of insight, and then the will to kill, 
you have to be willing to chop its head off. 

You have to be willing to stop it and the only way you can be willing to stop 
it is you have to want to be alive. We were talking earlier about suicidal 
tendencies. Rakshasas feed on that force, the part of us that is not 
self-loving, that is self-effacing, that wants to kill itself. That's their 
ultimate food. They all feed off of the part of you that wants to die. In order 
to stop them you have to be willing to see that in yourself and to ferret out 
the feeling of wanting to die, and you have to ferret out the feeling of being 
afraid to die. Ask anyone who's been in a physical battle, like Iraq, how they 
can do this thing and they will tell you that you cannot be in there and be 
afraid of dying. I met this woman who was a 9/11 MP worker at a meeting on Long 
Island right after 9/11. She was one of the ones who rushed back into the 
building when the building was falling down. I asked her, how did you get the 
courage to go back into the building? Everyone was running away and there was 
all this smoke and gas and ash. How did you get the courage to go back into 
that building? She said, it's simple, love. But it wasn't love that saved the 
people's lives. What you have to be willing to do in that moment is you have to 
be willing to die, you have to be willing to face your own physical death. It 
may be painful, it may be ugly, but you have to come to terms with that. By 
coming to terms with that and by dealing with all the suicidal junk that wraps 
itself around that, that's what gives you the power to go in and face that 
level of challenge.
Ultimately, that's the power that Native Americans call facing the black 
creature. These rakshasas are made out of some kind of negative dark light. 
There is dark light in the universe that's positive, but this is negative. 
That's why they're always portrayed that way. When you go in there and you are 
willing to face your own death and face your own willingness to kill yourself 
by your own negativity, and you have that concentrative transcendent power and 
the insight about your own personal stuff, you've got a lot power. That's what 
all the Harry Potter movies are about. He has to face his fear to do all that 
stuff. When you come in from that angle, these rakshasas are scared. They do 
not like warriors, they do not like light, they do not like the transcendent, 
they do not like insight, they do not like people that are coming after them. 
They get scared, they get frightened, they get worried that they're going to 
lose their job. You can feel their fear, you can feel the anxiety of the 
rakshasas. When you start feeling that you know you're in good shape. Sometimes 
they will decide to go back home. They decide it's too big of a battle, it's 
too much work, and they will just vanish, but a lot of times, if they're very 
skillful, they're interested in having a good fight. That's why I said you have 
to be willing to kill them. You have no other choice at a certain point. You 
have to be willing to say, I'm going to chop your head off, get ready, and I'm 
going to like it. 
That's not easy for me. That's not a girl thing. Maybe some girls grew up that 
way, like in Harlem, and they got it loud and clear. But I don't find that 
stance easy to get to. I always want it to be done some other way. You've got 
to get to a point where you're allowing that to happen to you and you've got to 
hold to the sadhana which makes it possible, the transcendent, the insight, the 
will, the suicide thing. You've got to bring that all together, but finally you 
have to bring the killer instinct. That is the part I have the most trouble 
with personally because I don't like to go there. But I haven't seen any other 
way than allowing that to happen. I think it's different for men because I 
think the killer instinct is more active and easier to get at. That's not true 
for everyone because we all have different versions of male and female and it 
doesn't depend on what gender you are. 

Ultimately you have to get down to that place where you feel good about it and 
realize that you are not the doer of the killing. It's coming through you and 
what's coming is this pure motivation towards protective love that causes you 
to be able to do it. The transcendent and the insight together create a 
particular kind of light, the light of truth, and that light of truth is what 
kills the demons. They can't withstand the force of that. But to get to the 
truth you have to do a lot of self-examination and a lot of looking at things 
that are challenging to look at.

<end paste>

> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Probably within the Dome attending community, if people are 
> > > 
> > 
> > hearing voices and it is a problem, then they usually get rooted out 
> > with/for mental disturbance.   Administratively referred to mental health 
> > people otherwise.   
> > > > 
> > > > That's the way you'd see it on the ground here in FF.
> > > > 
> > > > -D
> > > > 
> > > >
> > > 
> > >  That of course is the movement, they would have to handle it that way 
> > > administratively or they'd get haunted by legal reprisal.  So they stay 
> > > to the `mental health'administrative aspect of a practical necessity.
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > However,
> > on a practical level amongst a practicing and spiritual meditating 
> > community, when some folks do get in to astral troubles of too much 
> > spiritism,
> > there is local folklore advice that runs towards the adept folks.  Some 
> > places for those afflicted to go for help of a spiritual nature again bad 
> > spiritism:
> > 
> > 
> >
> > 
> > 
> >
> >
> 'safety first'  practical home remedy advice does gets e-mailed around the FF 
> transcendental meditating community like this below.
> In addition to the SBS Guru Dev quote and some guiding scriptural reference 
> further back in this thread, for perspective about folks afflicted with 
> negative energies or overly afficted spiritists this is one that gets shared, 
> <paste>
>  Yes, and we would like to walk you through a meditation called "The Tower of 
> Light." This is one of the most delicious, and brief, meditations you can do 
> to charge up your energy in the morning and to put a fully protective shield 
> around yourself. Are you all willing to learn this? [All assent.] Good, and 
> if you would, please, stand. Is there anyone here who's not particularly 
> visual? It's more kinesthetic. [One person affirmed that she's more 
> kinesthetic.] Okay. It's primarily visual, but you will probably be able to 
> feel even more interesting things than the others.
> Okay. Now please take some big, deep in-breaths as is comfortable for you. 
> Don't force it. Make the out-breath go all the way out; the in-breath, all 
> the way in. Let your arms dangle comfortably at your sides. We would like you 
> to visualize a beautiful, blue light surrounding your body and permeating 
> your body, so that it's about 9 inches out-in front and behind and all 
> around-and about 16 inches above your head and about 16 inches below your 
> feet. You'll find out the reason for this in a moment.
> Feeling it is important too. One kind of channeling is also 
> clairsentience--"clear sensing," and so try to feel that blue light and the 
> frequency of that. It's not as dark as indigo. It will be your own particular 
> frequency that you like and that will come to you naturally. Are you all 
> surrounded by that ellipsoid of blue light? Good.
> Now, about 16 inches above your head, within that blue but not touching your 
> crown, is a beautiful globe of brilliant white light that is like burning 
> magnesium. Are you able to visualize this there? Now feel showering down out 
> of that globe of white light (which happens to be your Higher Self) that 
> globe, showering little specks of that burning magnesium all down into the 
> center of this ellipsoid. Are some of you feeling that as well as seeing it? 
> Good.
> Now, out of that same white, burning-magnesium-type, light, beautiful silvery 
> sparkles are showering down until they fill with those white snowflake-type 
> particles the entire inside, so that only a blue outline surrounds that 
> ellipsoid. Tell us when that is happening for you. That should be feeling 
> pretty good right now. This is the power of Light. Know that this is 
> protection. Know that this connects you directly with your Higher Self--and 
> fills you and rejuvenates you with life force and, again, through a 
> bi-directional communication with your Higher Self. Enjoy that for another 
> moment. Then just let that fade from your vision and experience, knowing that 
> it has not faded in reality.
> When you can tear yourself away, please be seated again. Good, and we suggest 
> you do this in the morning--if you remember: especially in the morning--and, 
> if you wish, at night right before you go to sleep, surround yourself with 
> this beautiful, exquisite energy. It's one of the most powerful protections 
> you can do. [End of meditation.] 

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