Twitter-equipped bathroom scale tells the world how much you weigh
room-scale-tells-the-world-how-much-you-weigh.html>      November 10,
2009 |  4:12 pm                  [1-Connected-Bodyscale-Front]   This
bathroom scale knows how much you weigh and it can blab it to your
Twitter friends. Credit: Withings.
i> The most embarrassing new tech product of the year just got more

Last month, we let you know about the Wi-Fi Body Scale
wifi.html> , the first bathroom scale equipped with a wireless
connection to send your weight and body fat information directly to your
Web page and iPhone.

But weight, there's more.

Today the French company behind the scale, Withings, announced it has
added Twitter capability to the scale, enabling the user to
automatically tweet the weight/fat info to followers.

In a news release, Withings declared the Twitter function would be a
great help to users, "further motivating them by sharing their progress
with followers."


What's next for Withings? An app to let the Twitterverse know how much
debt you're carrying? How about a public questionnaire to rate how far
you are from achieving your life dreams?

Come to think of it, either might be preferable to letting the weight
info hit Twitter. This is Los Angeles.

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