> > > It's amazing to me. I *tell* them that I'm
> > > going to mark every setup intended to get them
> > > to rant like madwomen with three smiley faces
> > > to indicate that it *is*, in fact, such a setup, 
> > > and then I tell them that they're so stupid and
> > > obsessed that they'll fall for the setup anyway.
> > > 
> > Troll - A person who sends duplicitous messages 
> > to get angry responses. 
> >
raunchydog wrote:
> Which of the two faces of Barry should we believe? 
> The troll who after stupidly missing Digby's satire 
> tries to cover his ass by saying he was just setting 
> up his critics or the troll who attempted to set up 
> his critics and failed?
Or, the schizo-troll who once posted this:

"The discussions have to be based on the assumption 
that we are discussing matters of *opinion*.  No one 
is "right," no one is "wrong."

References to past statements by either poster are 
limited to the current thread.

Ad hominens and insults are similarly verboten.

Many of the "rules" above are in place and work well 
on other spiritual forums that I participate in, and 
seem to accomplish the seemingly impossible -- creating 
a high-vibe environment in which to discuss spiritual
topics without flaming..."

From: Uncle Tantra
Subject: Re: An Orwellian redefinition of "leaving" 
Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
Date: 2003-11-22 02:53:19 PST 

> > Subject: Troll FAQ
> > From: Willytex
> > Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
> > Date: Fri, Jan 21, 2005
> > http://tinyurl.com/4xtzej
> >

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