--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradh...@...> wrote:
> From the same people who brought you the Protocols of Zion. How Savage!
> http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/11-11-2009/
> Most of the 'terrorist' bomb attacks of the past sixty years have been 
> false-flag attacks that were actually committed by the Israeli Mossad, the 
> CIA, and British intelligence. For six decades the allied Western 
> intelligence agencies have been carrying out an ongoing campaign to frame 
> Muslims for bombings which were actually perpetrated by the Western 
> intelligence agencies themselves. The attacks on the World Trade Center and 
> the Pentagon on 9/11/2001 were a joint CIA/Pentagon/Mossad false-flag 
> operation that was intended to provide an excuse for the subsequent US-led 
> Coalition invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq.
> The Western nations are not unique in their use of false-flag bombings to 
> inspire public support for a government policy of aggression. The Russian 
> government blamed Chechen 'terrorists' for perpetrating the horrific Moscow 
> apartment bombings of the summer of 1999, but agents of the Russian FSB were 
> seen placing military-grade explosives in the basement of an apartment 
> building in Ryazan, near Moscow.
> The current US and Israeli belligerence toward Iran is the continuation of a 
> modern Crusade by the USA, Israel, the UK, and their allies to gain control 
> of the Middle East oil fields.
> The USA is run by a wealthy ruling elite whose enforcement arm, the CIA, 
> operates secretly and without accountability to any authority other than its 
> elite masters. The US Congress and the US President are mere puppets of the 
> ruling elite, and their purpose is to provide the public with an illusion or 
> false facade of democracy.
> The US President is a talking head chosen by the ruling elite, who control 
> both of the two major US political parties. The President functions as a 
> spokesman, salesman, and facilitator for the policies of the ruling elite.
> The mainstream media in the USA, the UK, Israel, and their allied nations is 
> thoroughly infiltrated and controlled by the allied Western intelligence 
> agencies, led by the CIA and Mossad. The CIA-controlled mainstream media 
> functions as the propaganda arm of the ruling elite.
> The banking system in the USA and its allied nations is controlled by the 
> ruling elite, whose agents -- the bankers, brokers, and fund managers -- 
> manipulate the market to divert funds, both public and private, into the 
> coffers of the ruling elite. The current historically-unprecedented and 
> ever-widening gap between the incomes and fortunes of the rich and the poor 
> throughout the world is the result of the avaricious market manipulations of 
> the ruling elite.
> The ruling elite meet privately and in secrecy at gatherings of the 
> Trilateral Commission, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg 
> Group, Bohemian Grove, and other venues which are not open to public 
> scrutiny. The ruling elite effectively control the operations of the World 
> Trade Commission, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the 
> United Nations.
> Most of the Western 'democracies' are actually ruled by a cabal of wealthy 
> elitists who are essentially gangster warlords who control and manipulate 
> national and international politics, the global economy, and the mainstream 
> media to serve their own greedy and insatiable ambitions.
> Gregory Fegel
  Not enough people believe this to make any difference.

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