--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "BillyG" <wg...@...> wrote:
> http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/nov/24/hiding-evidence-of-global-cooling/

Sorry, but that's a highly misleading and most
likely deliberately disinenuous editorial.

The much-quoted "trick of adding in the real temps to
each series ... to hide the decline" is perfectly
innocuous. "Trick" refers to a neat way of handling
something; and the data that's being "hidden" is
widely known and has been since 1998. It's an apparent
minor anomaly that nobody quite understands yet, but
it isn't anywhere near enough to warrant throwing out
the entire thesis. But when this anomalous data isn't
"hidden," it tends to obscure the overall trend.

So far, no "smoking gun" has been found in these
hacked emails that would cast doubt on the theory of
anthropogenic global warming. They *do* raise
questions about the unwillingness of the scientists
involved to release all their data and methodology.
But to claim this means there's a conspiracy to hide
fraud at this point makes even less sense than to
claim there was a conspiracy to hide the Bush
administration's participation in 9/11.

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