Yup, slavery is definitely a low-cost plan.  The GOP has been trying to 
get that back for the last 140  years.  Maybe they should label it "The 
Oliver Twist Plan."

Sal Sunshine wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2009, at 10:25 AM, do.rflex wrote:
> THE NO-SENSE JOBS PLAN.... Arguably the single most farcical aspect of 
> America's political discourse is listening to congressional Republicans talk 
> about economic policy. 
> We're talking about a group of people who've managed to be spectacularly 
> wrong about practically every economic challenge in recent memory, but who 
> are nevertheless convinced of their own self-righteous expertise. It's hard 
> not to cringe.
> But yet, they keep talking, blissfully unaware of their track record of 
> uninterrupted failure. Yesterday, for example, House Minority Whip Rep. Eric 
> Cantor (R-Va.) visited the conservative Heritage Foundation to unveil what he 
> called "a no-cost jobs plan." 
> Andrew Leonard explained, "Without adding a single dime to the deficit, the 
> Republican's plan will ameliorate the worst unemployment crisis in 30 years. 
> One wonders how a political party capable of such innovative thinking ever 
> lost its hold of power."
> To recap: Cut regulations. Freeze spending. Cut taxes. No new taxes. That's 
> the plan.
> Perfect definition of insanity!
> Sal

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