I doubt it. And both BillyG and JohnR are too old for the study
(it's looking for men in their twenties). But they might find a
few behind barbed wire in the pundits' compound. :-)

That said, I think that the statistic quoted in the article is a tad
disturbing, for two reasons. First, if single men view porn for
an average of 40 minutes three times a week and guys in com-
mitted relationships watch porn 1.7 times a week for 20 minutes,
1) that's just *way* too much porn-watching, and 2) doesn't the
duration of their porn-watching sessions suggest that the guys
with girlfriends just finish faster than the single guys? No wonder
they have to watch porn; their girlfriends are probably gettin'
it on elsewhere.  :-)
Men who haven't been exposed to porn are an endangered species.
If a guy claims he's never seen a porn, tell him there are a few
scientists who would like to have a word with him. A recent study
planned to compare men who watched hardcore movies
690.html>  with those who didn't, except for one little problem...
scientists couldn't find anyone who hadn't been exposed to porn.

According to professor Simon Louis Lajeunesse, from the University of
Montreal, Canada, the study was meant to study the effects of

"The objective of my work," he said, "is to observe the impact of
pornography on the sexuality of men, and how it shapes their perception
of men and women."

Unfortunately, his team couldn't find a single man who hadn't been
exposed to it. "We started our research seeking men in their twenties
who had never consumed pornography," he said, "but we couldn't find

The study then morphed into an examination of those who do watch porn,
and it was found that single young men view it for an average of 40
minutes three times a week. That's compared to the 1.7 times a week for
20 minutes that guys in committed relationships watch.

It's weird to think that porn is so ubiquitous that they couldn't find a
single man who hasn't seen it. But then again, sex is the stuff of life,
so anyone not aware of it probably doesn't even have a computer.

So either the porn-virgin no longer exists, or he's in hiding, trying to
stay away from the internet. Call National Geographic if you spot him.

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