NOTE:  That corn (maize) would be mentioned in the ancient texts of
India is no surprise considering the evidence for Old World corn that's
been discovered.

If you're really doubtful about the existence of Pre-Columbian Maize in
the Old World just do a Google search for 'Pre-Columbian Maize' and
you'll find a lot of information like the following:

- - -
Titre du document / Document titleThe presence of pre-columbian maize in
the old world : An overviewAuteur(s) / Author(s)UCHIBAYASHI Masao ; 
Résumé / AbstractAn overview is presented on the reports available
so far on pre-Columbian maize covering the regions of India, Mideast,
Africa and Iberia. Frequent observations of maize recorded in the past
on the East and the West Coast of Africa and at the ports in the Mideast
show that maize was one of the staples of the natives well before 1492.
It is also evident that maize in the West Africa was disseminated to
Iberia and Lombardy in the pre-Columbian time. An earlier contact
between the Old and the New World is strongly suggested.Revue / Journal
TitleYakugaku zasshi           ISSN 0031-6903      Source / Source2006,
vol. 126, no6, pp. 423-427 [5 page(s) (article)]Langue /
Revue : AnglaisEditeur / PublisherNihon Yakugakkai, Tokyo, JAPON     
(1881)   (Revue)
Mots-clés d'auteur / Author Keywordspre-Columbian ;  maize ;  China ;
India ;  Localisation / LocationINIST-CNRS, Cote INIST : 741,

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