> Stop the pundits?
> This extreme abnormal wet weather around here in Iowa the last two years.
> Since the pundits have arrived in force.  Is it the chanting?  Or evidence of
> Global climate change a-coming?  If we would believe Shemp then it be the 
> pundits evidently.
> Is simply extraordinary the power of the chanting by a bunch of boys.
> Jai Adi Shankara,
> -D in Iowa

"Weather patterns will keep changing toward an intensified water cycle with 
stronger floods and droughts. Most regions now subject to droughts will 
probably get drier (because of warmth as well as less precipitation), and most 
wet regions will get wetter. 

Extreme weather events will become more frequent and worse. In particular, 
storms with more intense rainfall are liable to bring worse floods. Mountain 
glaciers and winter snowpack will shrink, jeopardizing many water supply 
systems. Each of these things has already begun to happen in some regions.(23)" 


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