And Al Gore the soon to be Carbon cap and trade Billionaire...wake up folks!! A 
limousine liberal that will NEVER be affected by the taxes he inflicts on us.

--- In, Mike Dixon <mdixon.6...@...> wrote:
> Let's not forget Georgie Soros, most beloved of  the radical left haters!
> ________________________________
> From: BillyG <wg...@...>
> To:
> Sent: Thu, December 10, 2009 1:39:26 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Radical Left - The Billionaires Behind The 
> Hate
> Obama liberal, till lately!!
> #2 Warren Buffett - The Forbes 400 Richest Americans 200909.30.09, 06:00 PM 
> EDT 
> America's favorite investor lost $10 billion in past 12 months on his 
> Berkshire Hathaway shares. 
> Previous:William Gates III Next:Lawrence Ellison 
> Complete Coverage: 
> The 400 Richest Americans 
> Sort List By: 
>       * Rank 
>       * Name 
>       * Net Worth 
>       * Age 
>       * Residence 
>       * Source  
> Michael Buckner/Getty Images
> --- In FairfieldLife@ yahoogroups. com, "do.rflex" <do.rflex@> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > The Radical Right - The Billionaires Behind The Hate
> > 
> > 
> > Billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch are the wealthiest,
> > and perhaps most effective
> > < com/bostonglobe/ editorial_ opinion/oped/ articles/ 
> > 2009/\
> > 12/06/in_glitzy_ shadows_a_ health_reform_ foe_lurks/> , opponents of
> > President Obama's progressive agenda. They have been looming in the
> > background of every major domestic policy dispute this year.
> > 
> > 
> > Ranked as the 9th
> > <http://www.forbes. com/lists/ 2009/54/rich- list-09_David- Koch_QMFE. 
> > html> 
> > richest men
> > <http://www.forbes. com/lists/ 2009/54/rich- list-09_Charles- Koch_Z9KL. 
> > html\
> > > in America, the Koch brothers sit at the helm of Koch Industries, a
> > massive privately owned conglomerate of manufacturing, oil, gas, and
> > timber interests. They are best known for their wealth, as well as for
> > their generous contributions
> > < com/bostonglobe/ editorial_ opinion/oped/ articles/ 
> > 2009/\
> > 12/06/in_glitzy_ shadows_a_ health_reform_ foe_lurks/> to the arts, cancer
> > research, and the Smithsonian Institute.
> > 
> > 
> > But David and Charles are also responsible for a vicious attack
> > <http://thinkprogres 12/07/koch- swiftboat- science/> campaign
> > aimed directly at obstructing and killing progressive reform. Over the
> > years, millions of dollars
> > <http://mediamatters transparency/ organization/ David_H_Koch_ 
> > Ch\
> > aritable_Foundation /grants> in Koch money has flowed to various
> > right-wing think tanks, front groups, and publications.
> > 
> > 
> > At the dawn of the Obama presidency, Koch groups quickly maneuvered to
> > try to stop his first piece of signature legislation: the stimulus. The
> > Koch-funded group "No Stimulus <http://nostimulus. com/?q=events> "
> > launched television and radio ads deriding the recovery package as
> > simply "pork" spending.
> > 
> > The Cato Institute
> > <http://www.exxonsec html/orgfactshee t.php?id= 21> -- founded by
> > Charles -- as well as other Koch-funded think tanks like the Heritage
> > Foundation <http://www.rightwin content/heritage -foundation> ,
> > produced a blizzard
> > <http://www.cato- at-liberty. org/2008/ 01/24/stimulus- package-is- 
> > welfare-n\
> > ot-tax-cuts/> of reports
> > <http://blog. heritage. org/2009/ 01/27/stimulus- 101-the-pelosi- 
> > reid-obama- \
> > debt-plan/> distorting the stimulus and calling for a return to
> > Bush-style tax cuts to combat the recession.
> > 
> > As their fronts were battling the stimulus, David's Americans for
> > Prosperity (AFP) spent the opening months of the Obama presidency
> > placing calls and helping to organize
> > <http://thinkprogres 04/09/lobbyists- planning- teaparties/> 
> > the very first "tea party" protests. AFP, founded in 1984
> > <http://thinkprogres 12/07/koch- swiftboat- science/> by David
> > and managed day to day by the astroturf lobbyist Tim Phillips
> > <http://wonkroom. thinkprogress. org/2009/ 05/29/afp- timphillips- 
> > astroturf/ \
> > > , has spent much of the year mobilizing "tea party" opposition to
> > health reform, clean energy legislation, and financial regulations.
> > 
> > 
> > STOPPING CLEAN ENERGY: David Koch presents himself as a champion of
> > science <http://thinkprogres 12/07/koch- swiftboat- science/> .
> > Next year, because of his donations, a wing of the Smithsonian will be
> > named after him. Nevertheless, Koch has done more to undermine the
> > public's understanding of climate change science than any other person
> > in America.
> > 
> > 
> > The Competitive Enterprise Institute, funded in part by Koch
> > foundations, has waged an underhanded campaign
> > <http://mediamatters .org/research/ 200912040022> to falsely charge that
> > a set of hacked e-mails somehow unravels the scientific consensus that
> > global warming is occurring.
> > 
> > 
> > Koch finances the "Hot Air
> > <http://www.hotairto php?content= media> " tour, a nationwide
> > roadshow using a balloon to depict climate change science as "hot air."
> > Despite the brothers' extravagant wealth, Koch's Americans for
> > Prosperity has run populist ads mocking environmentalists as spoiled
> > brats more concerned about their "three homes and five cars
> > <http://wonkroom. thinkprogress. org/2009/ 02/11/koch- billionaire- ads/> "
> > than about economic conditions.
> > 
> > 
> > In addition to its efforts to misinform the public, Koch Industries has
> > spent nearly $9 million dollars
> > <http://www.opensecr clientsum. php?lname= 
> > Koch+Industries&ye\
> > ar=2009> so far on direct lobbying, much of it on climate change
> > legislation. With a team of Koch-funded operatives going as far as
> > attempting to crash
> > <http://thinkprogres 12/07/koch- swiftboat- science/> the
> > United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen this week, the
> > brothers may succeed in scuttling any prospect for addressing climate
> > change.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > STOPPING HEALTH REFORM: Much of the fierce opposition to health reform
> > can be credited to Koch organizations. As the health care debate began,
> > AFP created a front group, known as "Patients United
> > <http://patientsunit> ," dedicated itself to attacking
> > Democratic health care reform proposals. Patients United has blanketed
> > the country with ads distorting various
> > <http://mediamatters factcheck/ 200905270002> provisions of
> > the health reform legislation, particularly the public option.
> > 
> > 
> > Patients United even centered a media campaign
> > < com/watch? v=XwLp2KJCLOQ> around Shona
> > Robertson-Holmes, claiming she had a brain tumor the Canadian system
> > refused to treat. However, the Ottawa Citizen reported
> > <http://videocafe. crooksandliars. com/heather/ reality-check- 
> > shona-holmes- \
> > holmes-brain- tu> that Patients United has been exaggerating
> > <http://videocafe. crooksandliars. com/heather/ reality-check- 
> > shona-holmes- \
> > holmes-brain- tu> Holmes' case, and that she in fact had a benign cyst.
> > 
> > 
> > In their quest to block health care reform, Koch-funded groups have
> > fostered extremism <http://thinkprogres 07/28/dem- effigy-afp/>
> > . A speaker with the roving Patients United bus tour repeatedly compared
> > health reform to the Holocaust
> > <http://yglesias. thinkprogress. org/archives/ 2009/08/american 
> > s-for-prospe\
> > rity-compares- health-care- reform-to- holocaust. php> while an
> > eight-by-five foot banner at an AFP health care rally
> > < com/bostonglobe/ editorial_ opinion/oped/ articles/ 
> > 2009/\
> > 12/06/in_glitzy_ shadows_a_ health_reform_ foe_lurks/> with Rep. Michele
> > Bachmann (R-MN) read, "National Socialist Health Care
> > <http://thinkprogres 11/05/holocaust- sign/> : Dachau, Germany"
> > superimposed over corpses from a concentration camp.
> > 
> > 
> > Although many were surprised at the level of anger AFP channeled
> > <http://thinkprogres 08/11/afp- perriello- townhall/> into
> > Democratic healthcare town halls
> > <http://thinkprogres 07/31/recess- harassment- memo/> in
> > August, it wasn't the first time Koch groups have helped to hijack the
> > health reform debate. Back in 1994, Americans for Prosperity, then known
> > as Citizens for a Sound Economy, worked closely with then-House Speaker
> > Newt Gingrich to bring mobs of angry men
> > <http://www.pbs. org/newshour/ forum/may96/ background/ health_debate_ 
> > page3.\
> > html> to health reform rallies with then-First Lady Hillary Clinton.
> > 
> > A LONG HISTORY OF STOPPING PROGRESS: The Koch brothers clearly have a
> > financial stake in blocking reform. Koch Industry oil refineries are
> > major carbon dioxide polluters, and George-Pacific, a Koch Industries
> > timber subsidiary, is one of the largest contributors to the loss of
> > carbon-sink capacity.
> > 
> > 
> > According to the EPA, Koch Industries is responsible for over 300 oil
> > spills
> > <http://yosemite. admpress. nsf/016bcfb1deb9 fecd85256aca005d 
> > 74\
> > df/981d17e5ab07246f 8525686500621079 ?OpenDocument/> in the U.S. and has
> > leaked three million gallons of crude oil into fisheries and drinking
> > waters. So there are clear business-related reasons
> > <http://thinkprogres 12/07/koch- swiftboat- science/> why Koch
> > would want to block regulatory enforcement, clean energy, labor, and
> > other reforms.
> > 
> > 
> > But part of their opposition stems from a long family tradition of
> > funding conservative movements to shift the country to the far right.
> > Fred Koch, father of Charles and David and the company's namesake,
> > helped to found
> > < com/bostonglobe/ editorial_ opinion/oped/ articles/ 
> > 2009/\
> > 12/06/in_glitzy_ shadows_a_ health_reform_ foe_lurks/> the John Birch
> > Society in the late 1950s.
> > 
> > 
> > The John Birch Society harnessed Cold War fears into hate against
> > progressives
> > < com/bostonglobe/ editorial_ opinion/oped/ articles/ 
> > 2009/\
> > 12/06/in_glitzy_ shadows_a_ health_reform_ foe_lurks/> , warning that
> > President Kennedy, Civil Rights activists, and organized labor were in
> > league with communists.
> > 
> > 
> > By presenting progressive reform as a capitulation to the Soviet Union
> > < com/bostonglobe/ editorial_ opinion/oped/ articles/ 
> > 2009/\
> > 12/06/in_glitzy_ shadows_a_ health_reform_ foe_lurks/> , Fred Koch and the
> > other industrialists bankrolling the Birch Society were able to
> > galvanize hundreds of thousands of middle class people into supporting
> > their narrow agenda of cutting corporate taxes and avoiding consumer
> > regulations.
> > 
> > http://pr.thinkprog 2009/12/pr200912 08/index. html
> >

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