Boy did Thom Hartmann really rag on this in his opening this morning.  
Can't blame him at all.  We have the corporatist health care companies 
getting what they want a whole bunch of new customers to rip off and 
forced to buy insurance from them by the government.  Maybe it is time 
for real revolution in this country.

raunchydog wrote:
> Howard Dean's money quote: "This is essentially the collapse of health care 
> reform in the United States Senate. Honestly the best thing to do right now 
> is kill the Senate bill, go back to the House, start the reconciliation 
> process, where you only need 51 votes and it would be a much simpler bill." 
> In other words Obama and Harry Reid do not need to suck up to Joe Lieberman. 
> Just get it done with reconciliation. That's all the Democrats ever needed to 
> do. The Republicans were never going to do anything except carry water for 
> the insurance industry anyway. So why bother trying to play footsie with 
> them? RD
> -

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