Thai and Japanese Buddhists have already initiated crowds of monks into
real meditation.
Global Family Chats

December 21st <>  Japan:
An education conference was held in 4 cities. The 300 attendees
immediately went to work and now many schools are now starting TM; The
first MAV training course for doctors was run by Dr Moelk; The Maharishi
Youth Foundation was established in Japan and Hamsa (Hungary). They meet
once a week for fun events, and will be the furure leaders of Invincible
Japan; An Invincible Japan Assembly has been started; Maharishi Light
Therapy with Gems has been a great success with over 1000 treatments in
the first few months; Expansion campaigns have increased initiations 2.5
times; $675,000 has been raised through the issue of World Peace Bonds.
Hamsa (Hungary): The land is being cleared for a Vedic Medical College
on an island in the Danube; 300 Students have learned TM in a
university. They are having beautiful experiences of Unity, and next
year they will have SCI and then TTC will be offered to create the
teachers needed for implementing TM in schools; The 40 teachers and
staff at a school have learned TM, and the students and more schools are
to follow; The MAV Training Course for doctors was offered by Dr Moelk;
A Maharishi Spa has opened and two Hungarians are now offering Maharishi
Light Therapy with Gems; The Director of Communication has translated
over 100 hours of course material.
In Uzbekistan two recently graduated Governors are teaching people to
meditate and formally registering the Movement.
In Egypt the visit of Dr Ashley Deans stirred tremendous interest in TM
and Consciousness-Based Education. Approval has been received from all
required government ministries for a large University of World Peace to
go ahead on 2,000 acres, where it is planned to have 3,000 students for
invincibility. A company, "Gift of the Nile Organics", has been
established to trade in organic produce from Egypt.

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