I hear tell that there was some sort of vote in Congress this morning,
but I gotta scram -- no time for posting, just enough time to drop
Firedoglake from the blogroll, for all the good that tiny gesture does
(I'm doing it not because Jane H. went on Fox but because her
investigate-Rahm-for-Freddie-Mac campaign
call_for_investigation_rahms_resignation.php>  with Grover Norquist has
the potential to be shockingly useful to the right in its effort to lay
all of America's problems at the feet of Fannie/Freddie/ACORN/scary
Negroes -- oh, and her failure to get Norquist to join in on any truly
progressive effort in this area, i.e., something that might be a threat
to the unholy alliance of the government and Wall Street, shows that
she's just another lefty who believes in quid-pro-nothing, as sad as the
D.C. Dems at their most ineffectual).

I'll be back on January 1. Aimai will be here; I think some guest
bloggers will show up, too. Thanks for reading. Happy holidays. See you
next year.... posted by Steve M.   [prairieweather_typepad_com]

And Another Thing - the same old PUMA bullshit

by John Cole

Another thing that really pisses me off about this jihad against Rahm
Emanuel is that the message it implicitly sends is that Obama is not
calling the shots- he's just Rahm's puppet. That is explicitly a
Republican frame- that Obama is weak and an empty suit.

Idiots.  We've got the Democrats so mad at Republican obstructionism
that we actually got 58 and two independents to vote for HCR reform,
even bipartisanship fetishists like Evan Bayh are spitting mad, and the
left wing of the party ant to do whatever they can to destroy Obama
because he hasn't done everything they want in 11 months.

And you can not convince me that a lot of this isn't just the same
old PUMA bullshit.  BTW- has Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild vented
about the public option yet?

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