Vaj wrote:
> Coherence waning. Nature continues to 
> withdraw support...
If the TMO bought the building for 5.5 
million, and sells it for 30 million, then 
I'd say the support of nature has been very 
generous, Vaj. Since the asking price of 45 
million was probably inflated.

> Wall Street Meditation Group Cuts Landmark 
> Building Price 33%...
So, let's do the math - how much in value, 
percent-wise, has the building increased
since it was purchased by the TMO in 2004?

Note: There seems to be a lot of very weak
postings to FFL since Christmas - I wonder 
why? Supposedly, everyone is so smart and 
better than me, according to Barry2. Maybe
some folks have been watching too many
popular movies. While they were watching
TV, I read five good books. LOL!

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