Look who has the female lead in the new Boondock Saints movie:

I saw the trailer on my "District 9" Blu-ray last night.  Didn't even 
recognize her until they started showing credits.

BTW, the "District 9" disc is quite a trip.  The commentary is 
fascinating. They actually shot in an abandoned refugee camp and the 
place stank!  There are some deleted scenes with the actor who played 
the Christopher "prawn" in the special suit they used to map the CG 
prawn.  The director says that if you want a vision of the future come 
to Johannesburg.  There is a northern part of the city where the rich 
live and everywhere else is run down disaster area for the masses.  He 
says he sees Los Angeles beginning to get that way (no kidding! I am 
even beginning to see that around here).  The storyline line had 
inspiration from the xenophobia that South Africans have against 
Zimbabwe refugees.  A lot of dialog was improvised to make appear more 
authentic in a documentary style.  And of course Peter Jackson 
encouraged more grossness (just check out his early films sometime).


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