Global Family Chats 2009
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Global Family Chats

December 29th <>  Dr Adam
Pressman introduced two video clips of David Lynch's trip to India
(helicopter flight up through the majestic Himalayas to Jyotir Math, and
arrival in Jabalpur), and Bobby Roth summarized briefly some of the
major promotion angles being undertaken in the US.

He told a story of when Maharishi was asked why he was developing so
many big projects in education, agriculture, health, Vastu, etc.,
Maharishi answered that we're digging the canals in the desert preparing
for when the floods come.

Dr Pressman mentioned that Raja Hagelin is writing a definitive book on
Modern Science and Vedic Science.

Also that many video programmes are be prepared with the David Lynch
Foundation, e.g. a documentary on the project for homeless men in New
York. Also that DLFTV is offering its services as a video producer to
the Rajas and ministers, and that the videos can be very useful for

Raja Luis said that Guyana is transitioning to invincibility with a
series of Yogic Flying courses beginning in the coming days, which will
create enough flyers for invincibility. He explained that this is the
first time a country has made the transition to invincibility based on a
project undertaken by a government institution without the Movement
being established in the country. Great congratulations to Raja Luis!

Raja Luis also said 3 countries have now requested very large Vastu
housing developments using the inexpensive construction system he has

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