Man and nature will evolve to handle the increase in co2. not to  worry
In a message dated 12/31/2009 12:13:37 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

In  principle it's good for trees, except most of the pine forests in 
Colorado,  where this guy is from, are dying because climate change has caused 
pine  beetle infestation. Also, while CO2 may be good for trees, a sea level 
rise of  several meters won't be too good for NYC, London, Florida, etc. 
But I guess  all those people can move to Colorado. 
From: [] 
On  Behalf Of ShempMcGurk
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 10:23  AM
Subject:  [FairfieldLife] More CO2: a GOOD thing!

Can Carbon Dioxide Be A Good  Thing?

Physicist Explains Benefits Of Carbon Dioxide

June 1,  2007 — A physicist from Colorado State University and his 
colleagues from the  North American Carbon Program (NACP) have discerned and 
confirmed the  unforeseen advantages of rising carbon dioxide levels. Through 
processes  of photosynthesis and respiration, scientists have been able to 
elucidate why  plants are growing more rapidly than they are dying. The NACP 
is employing  methods, such as the use of cell phone and aircraft towers to 
monitor and  retrieve carbon data for their continuing study.

Too much carbon  dioxide can be a bad thing, but sometimes it can have a 
positive effect on  plants and trees. The more carbon emissions we dump into 
the air, the faster  forests and plants grow.

This new revelation is the result of research  done by the North American 
carbon program. Scott Denning, Ph.D., a physicist  from Colorado State 
University in Fort Collins, Colorado, explains the North  American Carbon 
"We are measuring CO2 in the atmosphere at dozens of  places every hour 
around the United States and Canada."

About 100 cell  phone and aircraft towers dotting the North American 
landscape are providing a  network to measure CO2 in the atmosphere. Physicists 
tracking the data have  found an unexpected benefit of rising carbon dioxide 
levels. Dr. Denning says  it's unusual. "Stuff is growing faster than it's 
dying, which is weird," he  says.

The answer may have more to do with how plants use CO2. During  
photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide from the air to make food, but  
as a 
plant decays, CO2 is released back it into the air. Plans are underway to  use 
cell phone towers worldwide for measuring CO2, expanding the carbon  program 
globally. The bad part is plants can't clean the air as fast as we are  
polluting it.

BACKGROUND: Carbon, in the form of carbon dioxide, is a  greenhouse gas 
released into the atmosphere as a direct result of human  activities all the 
time. This in turn raises the temperature of the earth,  leading to global 
climate change. The concentration of atmospheric CO2 has  already increased by 
about 30% since the beginning of the industrial  revolution in the late 
1800s. Most of this increase comes from using fossil  fuel -- coal, oil and 
natural gas -- for energy, but approximately 25 percent  of the carbon came 
changes in land use, such as the clearing of forests  and the cultivation 
of soils for food production. Natural sources of  atmospheric carbon include 
gases emitted by volcanoes, and respiration of  living things. We breathe in 
oxygen, and breathe out carbon  dioxide.

CAPTURING CARBON: It is possible to reduce the amount of CO2  released into 
the atmosphere by modern power plants by as much as 80-90%  through carbon 
capture and storage technologies. The downside is that the fuel  needs of a 
plant would increase by 10-40% in order to capture and store the  carbon 
dioxide, thereby increasing operating costs by 30-60%. There are three  basic 
ways to capture carbon. One is the remove it after burning fossil fuels,  an 
approach that is already being used on a small scale by conventional power  
plants. Or the fossil fuel can be turned into a gas before the burning 
process  and captured from the exhaust stream in a purer form of CO2 and water 
vapor. A  third emerging option is called chemical looping combustion, in 
which metal  particles interact with the fuel and produce solid metal particles 
and a mix  of CO2 and water vapor than can be captured and transported to a 
storage  site.

STORING CARBON: There are many alternatives for storing the  captured CO2. 
The most promising is storing the CO2 deep in rocky formations  in the 
earth, including oil and gas fields, and unminable coal seams, using  various 
trapping mechanisms to ensure the CO2 doesn't escape back to the  surface. In 
fact, injecting CO2 into oil fields can increase oil recovery,  thereby 
offsetting the extra cost of storage. Another option is ocean storage,  in 
CO2 in injected deep into the ocean, where it dissolves, or deposited  onto 
the ocean floor, where it is denser than water and therefore forms a  "lake" 
of CO2. The downside is that an excess of CO2 in ocean waters increases  
acidification and can kill marine organisms. A third option is trapping the  
carbon in stable minerals permanently by reacting the CO2 with metal oxides.  
But the reaction rate is slow. You need expensive pre-treatment to speed up 
 the process, which would increase energy costs as much as 60-180%.

The  American Geophysics Union and the American Meteorological Society 
contributed  to the information contained in the video portion of this  report.

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