On Jan 7, 2010, at 2:35 PM, WillyTex wrote:

> Premanand wrote:
> > As Turquoise asks, then why not our own Fairy Tales 
> > too? They have a lot in common with the Purananas. 
> > Oh, but then they are not Indian or Vedic, huh!
> >
> The 'Fairey Tales' of Western cultures have nothing to
> do with Yoga or Transcendental Knowledge, found in the
> Upanishads and in the Vedanta. 

Actually there are many parallels in Western (and really world) Fairy tales, 
with Vedic deva- and angiris-lore. Also notice the similarity to modern ET 
abduction experiences, where they are considered spiritual experiences (as 
opposed to provocations). Since you seem to like to read, try reading Rev. 
Kirk's account of the fairy-lore in Scotland, The Secret Commonwealth. I'd bet 
you'd enjoy it, if you were open enough.?

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