> > Mitchell: Mideast stagnation endangers US aid
> >
> We need to not only freeze aid to Israel, but also 
> all of its bank accounts we can gain access to.
That would be illegal, obviously, and wouldn't stand
up in the International Court. But, if you freeze aid
to Israel, then you deny millions of people living 
in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank, food and other
items essential to human survival. 

It's a stupid idea.
> Plus place an embargo on Zionists worldwide sending
> money to Israel.  
This is obviously a racist idea, and it would 
probably be considered against individual human rights, 
not to mention, against the law in almost every 
country on the entire planet. Really stupid.

> End military aid to Israel.  
There are no U.S. forces in Israel - maybe there 
should be. But now there are three democratic and 
free countries in the Middle East - Israel, Iraq 
and Afghanistan. 

That's the way to win the war - build up more free 
nations! Maybe we should be increasing U.S. military 
aid to Israel. 

So, I'm not in favor of splitting the city of 
Jerusalem into two sections, one ruled over by 
terrorists like the PLO, with a 'strip' of land
on the coast ruled by a racist gang called like
Hamas, whose goal is to wipe out the Jews.

> That would end the problems we have with El 
> Quaeda and others finally.
The only solution to solving the problem with 'al
Quaeda' terrorists is to send in more drones to 
wipe them out - kill them  where they live and 
breed and the Taliban militants too. Barack Obama
seems to agree with this solution. 

'The Drone Wars'
Wall Street Journal'
January 8, 2010

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