A buttload of corporatist shill bullshit.

ShempMcGurk wrote:
> Haiti's Avoidable Death Toll
> by Walter Williams
>             Some expect Haiti's 7.0 earthquake death toll to reach over 
> 200,000 lives. Why the high death toll? Northern California's 1989 Loma 
> Prieta earthquake was more violent, measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale, 
> resulting in 63 deaths and 3,757 injuries. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake 
> measured 7.8 on the Richter scale, about eight times more violent than 
> Haiti's, and cost 3,000 lives.
>             As tragic as the Haitian calamity is, it is merely symptomatic of 
> a far deeper tragedy that's completely ignored, namely self-inflicted 
> poverty. The reason why natural disasters take fewer lives in our country is 
> because we have greater wealth. It's our wealth that permits us to build 
> stronger homes and office buildings. When a natural disaster hits us, our 
> wealth provides the emergency personnel, heavy machinery and medical services 
> to reduce the death toll and suffering. Haitians cannot afford the 
> life-saving tools that we Americans take for granted. President Barack Obama 
> called the quake "especially cruel and incomprehensible." He would be closer 
> to the truth if he had said that the Haitian political and economic climate 
> that make Haitians helpless in the face of natural disasters are "especially 
> cruel and incomprehensible."
>             The biggest reason for Haiti being one of the world's poorest 
> countries is its restrictions on economic liberty. Let's look at some of it. 
> According to the 2009 Index of Economic Freedom, authorization is required 
> for some foreign investments, such as in electricity, water, public health 
> and telecommunications. Authorization requires bribing public officials and, 
> as a result, Haiti's monopolistic telephone services can at best be labeled 
> primitive. That might explain the difficulty Haitian-Americans have in 
> finding out about their loved ones. 
>             Corruption is rampant. Haiti ranks 177th out of 179 countries in 
> the 2007 Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index. Its 
> reputation as one of the world's most corrupt countries is a major impediment 
> to doing business. Customs officers often demand bribes to clear shipments. 
> The Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom says that because of 
> burdensome regulations and bribery, starting a business in Haiti takes an 
> average of 195 days, compared with the world average of 38 days. Getting a 
> business license takes about five times longer than the world average of 234 
> days -- that's over three years.
>             Crime and lawlessness are rampant in Haiti. The U.S. Department 
> of State website (travel.state.gov), long before the earthquake, warned, 
> "There are no "safe" areas in Haiti. ... Kidnapping, death threats, murders, 
> drug-related shootouts, armed robberies, home break-ins and car-jacking are 
> common in Haiti." The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 
> warns its citizens that, "The level of crime in Haiti is very high and the 
> police have little ability to enforce laws. Local authorities often have 
> limited or no capacity to provide assistance, even if you are a victim of a 
> serious crime." Crime anywhere is a prohibitive tax on economic development 
> and the poorest people are its primary victims.
>             Private property rights are vital to economic growth. The Index 
> of Economic Freedom reports that "Haitian protection of investors and 
> property is severely compromised by weak enforcement, a paucity of updated 
> laws to handle modern commercial practices, and a dysfunctional and 
> resource-poor legal system." That means commercial disputes are settled out 
> of court often through the bribery of public officials; settlements are 
> purchased.
>              The way out of Haiti's grinding poverty is not rocket science. 
> Ranking countries according to: (1) whether they are more or less free 
> market, (2) per capita income, and (3) ranking in International Amnesty's 
> human rights protection index, we would find that those nations with a larger 
> free market sector tend also to be those with the higher income and greater 
> human rights protections. Haitian President Rene Preval is not enthusiastic 
> about free markets; his heroes are none other than the hemisphere's two 
> brutal communist tyrants: Venezuela's Hugo Chavez and Cuba's Fidel Castro.
>             Haiti's disaster demands immediate Western assistance but it's 
> only the Haitian people who can relieve themselves of the deeper tragedy of 
> self-inflicted poverty.
>             Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason 
> University. To find out more about Walter E. Williams and read features by 
> other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators 
> Syndicate Web page at www.creators.com.

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