> > >
> > > Passed on from the TM-Free Blog, where a commenter
> > > who calls himself "alex" posted the following in
> > > response to Bevan's letter about "King" Tony being
> > > married. Interesting story, and it sures sounds
> > > like the Maharishi I knew and his level both of
> > > compassion and meddling in his "favorites" affairs.
> > > Does anyone know whether it can be verified?
> > 
> > How did native Americans handle 'delicate' nutcakes, like 
> > this where the care is beyond the scope of the group?  
> > Manifest destiny, how do corporations even now deal with 
> > this level of psych brittleness where it is beyond the scope 
> > of the work?  <snip drivel>
> Doug, I think you are (possibly intentionally) 
> missing the point. Given the story as related,
> the *obvious* question to be asked is, "Was this
> woman mentally imbalanced *before* Maharishi dis-
> covered that Bevan was involved with her and had
> her shipped off first to a Mother Divine retreat
> with instructions for no one to interact with her,
> and then to a mental institution?
> What's YOUR "take" on Bevan? Is he the kind of 
> guy who is likely to have been involved with and
> possibly engaged to a crazy woman? alex's descrip-
> tions of her *before* she was shipped off are that
> she was a happy, intelligent, lovely woman.
> It seems more likely, given alex's story, that 
> Maharishi just reacted JEALOUSLY, as he has done
> so many other times, and GOT RID OF THE 
> COMPETITION for Bevan's attention.
> To his discredit, of course, it seems that Bevan
> allowed Maharishi to do it. What a megatoday.

 Possibly, given his age back then and the movement.
Your take on RajaRam could well be in play given the culture.
Still waiting for the Global Chat on this though.

In Icelandic they have this colloquial about leadership:

"It is windy at the top".   

Probably was lonely at times too. 

Is interesting to see here how many of the administrative TB'er movement 
marriages at the top have recombined in time.  Amongst themselves and also 
including some of the loner single men or spinster women having hooked up in 
matrimony later in life now.  The unions formed are really sweet to see in some 
cases.  More fit partnerships later in life.

There are small rumors out about another announcement pending coming from 
someone really really *large* in the movement.  Something about a long-term 
male companion.

Best Regards from FF,

> > > alex
> > > about 25 years ago, there was a dutch teacher, Wendeline, a beautiful
> > > woman, who was in love with Bevan.
> > > She already printed her wedding cards , they lived in Seelisberg.
> > > When Maha heard of it, he sent her away back to Holland, with the
> > > instruction to the national leader to put her in a psych. clinic.
> > > She was not allowed to visit the academy when Maha was there, she
> > > was  a paria.  No one was allowed to talk to her.
> > > the shrink and psychologist had no intention to help her. Maha did not
> > > want it.
> > > She killed herself on Maha s birthday, by jumping in front of a train.
> > > the church was filled with all her "friends".
> > > I was crying a lot, i visited her in the clinic, I was alreay out of
> > > the organisation.
> > > the wife of the national leader said to me: don t be said, this was
> > > her last stress.
> > > Thanks Bevin.
> > > 
> > > alex
> > > wendeline was a gouvernor,about 30 when she killed herself,and did
> > > a 4 years during study , something to do with creative development.
> > > When I visited her during her time in de psych.clinic,I tried to
> > > help her to start  a normal life.
> > > But Bevan and Maha where her only goal.
> > > She couldn t make the choice to step out of the movement, although
> > > they already threw her out.
> > > No one was suppose to visit her in the hospital, she was all alone.
> > > Like I  already said she was seen as a paria,
> > > They gave the impression that it was dangerous to have contact with
> > > her.
> > > She was a threat for Maha when he visited Holland, they said.... the
> > > national leader of Holland, Jacques Uyen, the greatest snake there
> > > ever was in the movement.
> > > He had a big influence on Maha, and for a long time he was his right
> > > hand.
> > > He told me when I left the movement, in name of Maha, that I would
> > > die in an accident or something like that if I left the movement.
> > > I am sure Wendeline went crazy in Seelisberg because of all the
> > > rounding.
> > > Before this time I knew her well, she was a normal, happy and
> > > enthousiastic person, very intelligent also.
> > > Before she was sent, by mr. uyen, to the clinic, she was allowed to
> > > work in a mother divine academy.
> > > Also here she was seen as a paria, no one talked to her, she had to eat
> > > and meditate alone.
> > > How to get someone totaly crazy I woul say.
> > > Yes, just unstressing.
> > >
> >

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