On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 6:37 AM, mainstream20016 <mainstream20...@yahoo.com> wrote: >
> The TMO Yagya program, highest profit margin product of the TMO ( the number and scale of yagyas recommended determined much more by the financial resources of the applicant than his birth chart ) is the antithesis of the idea of personal evolution through personal experience. It seems that the long-term plan of the TMO at the time of MMY's passing was to maximize the yagya program as opposed to maximizing the teaching of the TM technique to individuals. > The TMO's continued commitment to the development of the Brahmasthan of India's vast landscape of thousands of partially completed buildings necessarily limits the TMO's meager effort to teach the TM technique. The Brahmasthan of India's present and future drain of resources will send the TMO into obscurity. Peace be upon those who follow guidance. I have never sponsored a Maharishi yagna. I started off with temple pujas and homas in India around 2000 then went to Ben's group, then found my home in a group in Rourkela, Orissa, India. I tried other groups of former Maharishi pundits, tried their yagyas, felt nothing. The group I sponsor performs yagnas which put me into another universe. I so very strongly feel the presence of the deities, it's much more powerful than being on a big rounding course. My TM/TM Sidhi program during these yagnas is amazing. Sometimes I can sleep forever, sometimes I have wretched insomnia, as the yagnas take place during normal business hours, only offset by 12 hours, so they happen in my evening/night. I've been with this group for years. During the past 6 months, I've felt the presence of the deities during the gratis group yagnas offered to regular sponsors. Very, very powereful. I am paying the princely sum of around USD 0.90 per pundit hour for these yagnas. Some of that money goes for administration/money transfer (I mail checks to India from my Bank of America checking account), Internet communication, shipping prasadam, some goes to the pundits, some goes to feed and educate the poor, considered to be by the pundit group a necessary and integral part of the yagna, and some money goes towards the group yagnas. -- Peace be upon those who follow guidance.