There was once some discussion as to whether there are any Buddhist
activities in FF. Here's something.

The Heart Awakening Workshop is coming up very soon.
All are invited to attend and enjoy a day of heart felt peace and
We will celebrate the Chinese New Year afterward with tea and cakes.

**If anybody can help me organize and provide refreshment for that
afternoon, I am most grateful. Please call me: 641-919-5353***


Afterwords if anyone would like, Ching Dow is hosting an authentic Chinese
New Year meal. (added by Lori per Zhenia)

Heart Awakening Workshop - with Jacquelina Sunday Feb. 14, 2010
Qi Studio  -   2:00pm - 4:00pm
Fairfield, Iowa

Four basic Buddhist principles of true love:
Maitri (benevolence)
Karuna (compassion)
Mudita (joy)
Upeksha (freedom)

Four Mantras:
Dear One, I am here for you.
Dear One, I know that you are here and it makes me very happy.
Dear One, I know that you are suffering that is why I am here for you.
Dear One, I am suffering.  Please help.

It is recommended that the meditator should imagine his mind as actually
tied to the breathing.  He should visualize the air as dragging the mind in
and out all the time as he breathes.  In order to do this he must breathe
strongly enough to be able to feel the movement of the air.  He should feel
as if his breathing passages were highly sensitive.  He should distinctly
feel the air as something solid which scrapes as it moves in and out.  By
this means the meditator will be able to feel the entire breathing cycle and
concentrate on it.  He will then easily discern where it begins, how it
moves, where it ends, and where and for how long it rests before reversing
direction.  He visualizes the breath as a kind of gem which is being swept
along a track, and determines not to let it out of his sight for an instant.
Buddha - The Anapanasati Sutta

Jacquelina Davis - 641-919-5353 -  HYPERLINK ""; -  HYPERLINK "

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