Dodge Charger Super Bowl Ad - Man's Last Stand

Woman's Last Stand: Dodge Charger Commercial Spoof

"... and I've got to say I think the rebuttal video is dead-on, and I don't get 
the defensive "guy" responses at all. Slice it any way you want, but the 
Charger commercial was a puling, whiny (dare we say "bitchy?") appeal to the 
Oppressed Male cult, and a casual, careless slam on women to boot. Awww -- he 
has to *shave?* And yeah, it targets women and suggests they're emasculating. 
Anyone waving the tired little bloody shirt of the Oppression of Putting the 
Seat Down is looking to bring gender gripes into play.

Those tired, dead eyes. The washed out colors. Here are men who have been 
utterly castrated, somehow, by ... what was it ... ' taking your call?' Lame, 
lame, lame. My reaction as a guy is that men ought to be embarrassed and 
annoyed by the implication that 1) it's just haaaard to put your underwear in 
the hamper, and 2) women are somehow the ones making us bathe and speak civilly 
to people, because all we really are is a bunch of little boys who want to run 
around barefoot eating off dirty plates and eating our own poo. Really? Because 
I'd say if putting on clean underwear and going to work is too hard for you, 
you've got manhood issues that no car is going cure.

Which leads to the second part of my reaction, which is the cynical marketing 
logic behind Dodge, which seems hellbent on producing, in the 21st century, the 
cars America really wanted . . . in 1955. Ugly, heavy, technologically 
deficient stoplight racers that look mean (in a pudgy school bully kind of way) 
sound obnoxious, and from a performance standpoint, do nothing particularly 
well beyond squealing the tires. So how does Dodge sell it? By making a whiny, 
emotional appeal -- to men. Think about that. Isn't rationality supposed to be 
part of the male mystique? We're supposed to make our buying decisions based on 
cold, hard, facts, not naked, quivering emotion.

And yet, the whole push here is that the world is just too buttoned down and 
grownup and pc for us burly dudes -- so we're gonna pout and buy the most 
ridiculous, useless penis replacement car we can find? "Don't buy our car 
because it's good -- buy it because it's the kind of petulant, self-entitled, 
boyish choice that life unfairly punishes you for after age 30 or so." "What 
better way to express your peevishness to the world than to spend $30,000 on a 
two-ton, 17 mpg sedan with an ass like a thyroidal wombat sold as a 
"performance car" in 2010?"

Sorry, but I just smirked at this ad, and Dodge's transparent attempt to sell a 
pointless car on this, "Be a man. Buy a stupid car. That'll show 'em" beat. 
It's richly deserving of mockery, both from women and adults in general.

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