<paste>...scholars have generally delinked millennialism from the literal idea 
of a 1,000 year reign of peace; that's just too Christian to apply to other 
cultural frameworks.  Instead they see the search for an immanent, earthly, 
transformation that makes this place profoundly better--like, say, 
Heaven on Earth--as the defining characteristic of millennialism.  Once you 
do that, you see millennialism EVERYWHERE.  It's downright eerie how uniform 
humanity's hopes are; it must be hardwired in us.

Of course, the doomsday longing is a bit different, but it seems to be 
psychologically linked.

> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > millennial movements (The End of the World: as we know it), 
> > > 
> > > "one of the students asked me if the 2012 Mayan calendar prophecies are 
> > > taken seriously by some of the folks in FF.   Apparently, a friend of his 
> > > new age mom lives in FF or has some sort of connections there (he was 
> > > vague) and has heard that people have taken up the 2012 hysteria.  While 
> > > it would surprise me if NOBODY in FF took the Mayan stuff seriously, I 
> > > wouldn't expect widespread enthusiasm for it."  (?)
> > >
> > 
> > From side e-mail:
> > 
> > <: ...although i would not have used the term, as the promised 
> > >transformation was
> > never associated specifically w/ millennial timeframes, broadly it
> > definitely fits as that is what we have been taught for many >years....even
> > up to maharishi's last 'transmissions'!   he taked about how >his 'work was
> > done' and that the descent of heaven on earth was assured.  it was >not a
> > matter of "if"   nor was it far off....but in our life times.  >better 
> > hurry!
> > and heck.  HOE sounds good to me....bring it on!  =:-)
> >
> fra e-mail: >paste<
> about millennialism, although I'd heard Maharishi talk about the Age of 
> Enlightenment and Creating Heaven on Earth for decades, I'd never really 
> considered the millennial aspects of the Movement. <>

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