--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "It's just a ride"
<bill.hicks.all.a.r...@...> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:17 AM, Premanand premanandp...@...wrote:
> >
> >
> > I wonder this did not get an airing at FFL, or maybe it did & I
> > it? Anyway read for yourself how Maharishi the Pope sees things:-
> >
> > http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article7011095.ece --
> >
> Interesting that the Pope can influence upcoming elections in

Lol, are you kidding me ? Not a chance in hell that the Pope can
influence elections in Britain. More likely to do so here in Amercia

> Perhaps the Brits need another Henry VIII? IIRC, the last time the
> Catholic Church had any power in the US was when the archbishop of NYC
led a
> campaign against Mae West's antics in film. The Pope wouldn't dare try
> sort of thing in America..>>

The Pope has a much bigger influence in the US.

However, the last time you Americans sided with the Pope was when
Britain was in the middle of a multi-century battle against the power of
the oppressor Catholic regimes ---  and you didn't want to pay taxes to
pay for your defence and the British boys dying on the battle field and
in the defence of freedom around the world that Britain was waging to
defend your ass. Instead, you sided with the Caholic despots, and fought
against the freedom fighters, the defenders of the democratic system
that was in Britain at the time (Britain already had a more democratic
system than your Founders created, even though you have been
brain-washed for 200 years to think otherwise.) We won the war anyway,
despite your isnurgency against freedom and your stance against freedom
for slaves ---  and the Pope, France, and Spain were sent back with
their tails between their legs to think again. America would be entirely
one enforced catholic religion today if it were not for the Brits saving
your ass. Plus you would be speaking French.

(then we had to go and save Europe [and you] again from the despot
Napolean. Kicked his ass too.)



> If you but soak up the sunlight you are given, drink each drop of
water I
> send, and strive only to be yourself, life shall quicken in your
> spirit shall raise you into the light, and your bloom will inspire the
> world.

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