--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, m 13 <meowthirt...@...> wrote:
> Okay
> I play debbil's advocate

Me too!  I've got a message from one of the people in the mosque:

"Please get this rock off my head.  No really, I mean it.  I need someone to 
help me get this rock off my head.  I'm dying here and want to stay in my 
temporal body/shell.  But without...you know... the rock on my HEAD."

> ..mosque-
> so let's see,WHO(M) were they praying to?
> Allah?
> Perhaps that is not God but a demi god, or just a fallen angel , or an 
> enlightened person who died, and humans still alive just can't get over them.
> Perhaps then it was the real God full of wrath that was jealous and smashed 
> that thing down.
> *Or maybe the rain falls on the good and the evil alike*
> *or maybe it was not "bad" at all that this happened;because the praying all 
> left their bodies and went on to God or a better life.
> *perhaps to stay living in that body was not the best plan,plans for another  
> life had arisen.
> *perhaps this event will be the ground zero for some spark of invention, for 
> uncollapsable timber, or a welling of the heart to instill REAL peace*
> This being in the box labeled "unfortunate event" may not be the truth or 
> intent of it existing in the time line.
> -What if there is no evil?
> What is it is all good?
> Can you imagine it being so?
> Is the destruction of _______________(fill in with any 'end')
> evil, or is it good, we just haven't seen the good yet.?
> Implosions happen in Vegas quite regularly, thru intent of destruction, OR 
> thru intent of building a NEW thing.
> Perhaps there is a good plan of growing a good not EVIL thing out of this.
> In fact, don't we have that example every winter, where everything is' 
> destroyed'
> leaves torn off by the winds, ground becomes in hospitable to grow 
> food...could we not label that evil, and not to our benefit?
> It is not so
> it is a meditation slowing resting period for the land, trees, etc...just as 
> we too, in accord, must rest, stop, meditate, to re new.
> This is not an evil thing to stop and renew
> Perhaps I can guide the eyes of you to contemplate, that it is not so 
> bad/evil that a temporal structure is in a period of change(what is it now, 
> is it being firewood, warming?
> Is someone thankful, for a chair they can make out of it, some work they 
> wouldn't have had -?
> Perhaps the  ever living never dying  soul has gone on to whatever nirvana or 
> destiny the plans were for it.
> So we here, mourn the shift, the change, us creatures of habit.
> Mourn that we cannot understand the Good Intent that is behind the scenes 
> It is beauty
> It is good
> This, 
> is better than what would have been/transpired had it stayed erected.
> Had they stayed in those temporal bodies/shells.
> Peace,
> -M

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