The Lunatics Have Taken Over the Salon

by James Wolcott <>
- February 23, 2010
        Vanity Fair colleague Michael Wolff, though not a licensed
clinician or chiropodist, renders what seems to me an inarguable
diagnosis of the current conservative condition, i.e., they've gone loco
kers.html> :

Republicans, once the party of boring sobriety and solidness, are now
the party of the kooky, the cracked, the unhinged. Republicans are not
conservative in the least. Rather, they act out in the most deranged and
dramatic ways.

Having whipped themselves into dishrag fatigue over the
socialist-fascist-satanic-nanny statism-TelePrompter totalitarianism
cheese doodlies of the Obama administration, they've now revived to turn
on each other, writing and pasting nasty things all over freshman
Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown's high-school yearbook
ada-protest-art.html>  for voting for cloture on the jobs bill
s-for-cloture-on-jobs-bill> , thus betraying everything conservatism has
stood for since the late William F. Buckley first lifted a salad fork
and speared asparagus. How dare he, or as Wonkette's Ken Layne put it
-friends> :

Handsome nudist truck driver Scott Brown was the GOP's BFF until he
started "going rogue" on Monday with that whole "I'll
just give a helping hand to the Socialists, because we are the Communist
Brotherhood" thing he pulled right there on C-SPAN, as if teabaggers
didn't even matter. Why doesn't Scott Brown respect his Facebook
friends and the, uh, Constitution?

Scott Brown is but the latest of the beauty-salon graduates driving
conservatives to spazzy distraction. As NYCweboy argues
d-their-attractive-dude-problem.html> , the Republican Party has become
the fan club for attention-deficit teenage girls of all ages and sexes,
unable to decide between Fabian and Frankie Avalon, infatuated with Zec
Efron one month and all moony over Rob Pattison the next, smitten with
Mitt Romney one campaign and pining over Marco Rubio the next. "[If] if
Republicans have a crisis of leadership, it may be because conservatives
have become some of the most fickle lovers of new faces: as fast as a
new handsome dude (usually white, but occasionally tan) enters the room,
their love of last year's model goes out the window."

So many male starlets have strutted the gangplank, only to splash into
the briny deep, given the nudge by political purists and the easily
bored. Why, I can recall--it wasn't that long ago--when Norm Coleman was
going to be the new savior, with National Review types suggesting that
his inquiry into George Galloway might do for him what the Alger Hiss
case did for Richard Nixon--launch him into national prominence on a
wave of vindication--and then there was that other NRO man-throb crush,
Rick Santorum, and the on-again off-again romance with Bobby Jindal.
That anyone could ever get a tingling sensation from the beaky-geeky Tim
Pawlenty is just so weird, a sign of desperation.

Further proof that the Republican Party's "big tent" has become a

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