TurquoiseB wrote:
> Talk about intrusive. This one seems to have been designed with stalkers
> in mind. Text below is from the article, but go to the link to see a
> video of it working.
> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/23/recognizr-phone-app-helps_n_473\
> 921.html
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/23/recognizr-phone-app-helps_n_47\
> 3921.html>
> Recognizr: Phone App Helps You Identify And Friend Strangers Through
> Face Recognition, Social Networking
> <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/02/23/recognizr-phone-app-helps_n_47\
> 3921.html> Ever wanted to know the name and social networking history of
> a total stranger without having to go through the arduous task of
> actually talking to them? Now, with the help of Swedish mobile software
> firm The Astonishing Tribe <http://www.tat.se/> 's new phone app --
> Recognizr --  you can.
> Popsci explains how this augmented reality app works
> <http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2010-02/augmented-identity-app\
> -helps-you-identify-friend-perfect-strangers> :
> ...the user points the camera at a person across the room. Face
> recognition software creates a 3-D model of the person's mug and sends
> it across a server where it's matched with an identity in the database.
> A cloud server conducts the facial recognition and sends back the
> subject's name as well as links to any social networking sites the
> person has provided access to.

The phone app I like is Google's voice search.  Instead of typing in a 
search term I just press the microphone button in the search bar and 
speak the search terms.  In a few seconds are the search results.  Of 
course sometimes it gets the terms wrong.  Vaj, does the iDon't have 
this app?

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