Death penalty opponents see executions on the wane       GENEVA   Wed
Feb 24, 2010 12:52pm EST
  [Main Image]

GENEVA (Reuters) - An increasing number of countries are abolishing the
death penalty and even the most active users of capital punishment are
taking steps to restrict it, a congress of abolitionists heard on

The three-day World Congress Against the Death Penalty hopes to give
momentum to a trend that has seen roughly 4 countries a year, especially
in Africa and Central Asia, join the ranks of abolitionists in recent

"There is a new trend against the death penalty that is something new
for the world," said Mario Marazziti, spokesman for the Community of
Sant'Egidio, an Italian advocacy group that is one of the driving forces
in the global campaign to stop the death penalty.

The congress is backed by the Swiss government and draws strong support
from Italy and Spain -- reflecting the fact that Europe is now almost
entirely free of executions.

The campaign was given support by a non-binding United Nations
resolution in 2007 calling on countries who use the death penalty to
introduce a moratorium and arguing that capital punishment undermined
human dignity and was not a deterrent.

Marazziti told a briefing that 56 countries continued to execute people,
while 141 countries did not use the death penalty, including 93 that had
formally abolished it altogether.

Since 2007 the African states of Rwanda and Burundi have abolished the
death penalty, joining Cambodia to show that even countries that have
suffered genocide can drop it.

In China, which probably executes more people annually than any other
country, the supreme court ordered judges earlier this month to limit
the use of the death penalty to the most serious crimes. Amnesty
International estimates that at least 7,000 people were sentenced to
death in China in 2008 and 1,718 executed in that year.

Abolitionists hope that a series of countries, mainly in Africa, that
have moratoriums on the death penalty and backed the U.N. resolution
will move to full abolition, while others can be persuaded to adopt

In the United States, where capital punishment is largely controlled by
the states, New Jersey and New Mexico have repealed the death penalty in
recent years.

Campaigners hope President Barack Obama will set an example by declaring
a moratorium on the federal death penalty.

They also see diminishing support for the death penalty among the
public, now that many states offer the alternative of life in prison
without parole, and the high cost of running death row and executions is
worrying some state governments.

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