--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "ShempMcGurk" <shempmcg...@...> wrote:
> At the first opportunity for audience participation just several minutes into 
> the proceeding, a longtime and well-known Apple shareholder--some would say 
> gadfly--who introduced himself as Shelton Ehrlich, stood at the microphone 
> and urged against Gore's re-election to the board. Gore "has become a 
> laughingstock. The glaciers have not melted," Sheldon said, referring to 
> Gore's views on global warming. "If his advice he gives to Apple is as faulty 
> as his views on the environment then he doesn't need to be re-elected." 
> from: http://news.cnet.com/8301-31021_3-10459872-260.html

Another fringe conspiracy theory right winger:

...The man took the floor each time a proposal was introduced to criticize them 
and advance various conspiracy theories against former Vice President Al Gore, 
President Barack Obama and "socialists." 

Gore, an Apple board member who was sitting a few feet away during the tirade, 
responded by rolling his eyes and chewing "his gum a bit more distractedly," 
according to a commenter on an AppleInsider forum.

An Apple spokesperson said he did not know Urlick, why he was angry or even if 
that was his real name.

It turns out that it's not his real name. It's actually Shelton Ehrlich, a 
retired Palo Alto man who spoke with the Industry Standard on Friday about his 
appearance at the Apple gathering.

"I don't agree with the proposals," Ehrlich said, when asked about his comments 
at the meeting. "They're politically motivated, and have nothing do with the 
profit and loss of the company."

It's not the first time Ehrlich has appeared in front of shareholders and board 
members of a major technology company. Last May, he came to Mountain View and 
criticized shareholder proposals before Google's board. 

But Ehrlich said he wasn't singling out technology companies. He told the 
Standard that when he retired, he bought shares in a number of "local 
companies," and felt compelled to speak at some of the shareholder meetings.

"I was interested in what I would learn there," Ehrlich said. "There were 
proposals that were made that had nothing to do with the companies." 

Among Apple shareholders, Ehrlich has his fans. AppleInsider poster Razorpit 
wrote, "I'm glad Shelton stood up and kept the company on track to build 
computers and gadgets. If I wanted to invest my money in to social programs I 
would have donated it to the government."

Admiring self-described Christian twitterer Nealcampbell wrote, "Who the heck 
is Shelton Urlick? I think I love him."

But most who heard about the rumpus thought it odd. Tweeted Middleclasstool, "I 
don't know who Shelton Urlick is, but I'm impressed he can speak so clearly 
while tongue-kissing Joe the Plumber."


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