A torrent has been showing up in my list of available
eyepatch films available for download lately, and I had
been ignoring it until now. But finally I grew curious
and looked it up on the IMDB and discovered who its star
was, and now it's downloading away in the background. 

The star is a guy named Dwayne Johnson. If that name does
not exactly ring the bell heard at the end of each round
of a mano-a-mano grappling match for you, Dwayne is also 
known (and revered, by millions) as a guy who goes by 
the handle, "The Rock."

I just *love* The Rock. Dwayne. Whoever. He has a sense
of self-mirth that I just find charming. 

I mean, this is a guy who (as I understand it) was second-
generation athlete and grew up to become one of the most
famous wrestlers in WWE history. And then he did the big
crossover into acting, hoping to become a Big Star.

[ For the non-cognoscenti, this is an achievement nigh unto
Sarah Palin running for office as President of the United
States, winning, and pulling it off. ]

Dwayne pulled it off. I just *love* this guy. He's up 
there in my Cult Actor Hall Of Fame right alongside 
<genuflect> Bruce Campbell:

Dwayne just *rocks* as an actor, in the same sense that
George Clooney *rocks* in the Nespresso ads where he 
makes fun of his own image. As an official Specimen Of
What Humans Could Look Like If They Really Gave A Damn,
Dwayne is *ripped*. (Not that noticing this makes me gay
or anything...merely that I tried for decades to get
*ripped* and failed mightily, and thus admire Those 
Whose Body Type Allowed Them To Go Where Mine Was
Not.) But Dwayne makes *fun* of his own ripped-ness. 

I mean, in his *first* breakout movie role from TV
wrestler to movie hero, Dwayne chose to play a GAY
henchman in the followup to "Get Shorty," "Be Cool."
That was a *hilarious* and at the same time touching
and sensitive acting job. 

Then his artistic choices drew him to "Southland Tales,"
which is ranked higher in the IMDB-member-generated-
list of Best Science Fiction Movies than many of your
own favorites. And with reason. In his first role in
which he dropped "The Rock" in favor of his real name,
I thought he did a creditable job, *at least* as cred-
itable as Ahnold's when he went from "Stay Hungry" to
"The Terminator." 

So bottom line is that I really *like* Dwayne Johnson.
He's got My Kinda Attitude. So I really look forward 
to seeing him star in a film the distributing company 
describes as "Derek Thompson is 'The Tooth Fairy,' a 
hard-charging minor league hockey player whose nickname 
comes from his habit of separating opposing players from 
their bicuspids. When Derek discourages a youngster's 
hopes, he's sentenced to one week's hard labor as a real 
tooth fairy, complete with the requisite tutu, wings and 
magic wand. At first, Derek "can't handle the tooth" – 
bumbling and stumbling as he tries to furtively wing his 
way through strangers' homes...doing what tooth fairies 
do. But as Derek slowly adapts to his new position, he 
begins to rediscover his own forgotten dreams."

Call me a hopeless romantic, but I kinda suspect that
Dwayne might be able to pull this off.

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